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28 Dec 2023
@_discord_1181037439318507605:t2bot.ioascendreckless24849 joined the room.01:46:02
@_discord_563455226049331266:t2bot.ioAmo joined the room.08:03:07
@_discord_452203643597488130:t2bot.iobiglama_ joined the room.10:16:17
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro sevoris good news but also bad news 13:26:43
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro good news I don't actually have to change anything 13:26:47
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro bad news I don't know what to do with this new information 13:27:00
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro after reading the code I found that they have a sneaky implementation for deserializing to just a value 13:27:21
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro in their docs they say very explicitly that you have to deserialize into an Option<T> or a Vec<T>, and so naturally this whole time i've been trying Vec<Value> and Option<Value>, but turns out if you deserialize to just Value then it's fine? 13:27:57
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro it seems to return a string akin to json or whatnot 13:28:12
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Makes some sense. Neo4J also returns JSON, and the core data structure are basically JSON. 13:59:05
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro i managed to figure out all of the APIs and we should be golden 13:59:22
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro now just one hour of writing Surreal <-> messagepack wrappers and we're golden 13:59:32
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Can you post an example ofna return string? 13:59:37
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro [{ id: mytable:mcxdrju8fyeisctkj1zs }] 13:59:54
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Okay yeah that makes sense 14:01:49
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris A list of return rows and then a JSON structure per row 14:02:06
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris I have to check their docs but I wonder if that means that you can fetch path structures… 14:02:39
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro halfway done 14:57:28
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro 80% done 15:17:09
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro 100% done 15:29:38
{ {                                                                                                             
    id = {                                                                                                      
      id = "mcxdrju8fyeisctkj1zs",                                                                              
      tb = "mytable"                                                                                            
  } }
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro holy moly it's returning data 15:29:51
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro everybody stay calm 15:29:55
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro the data is very ugly but it's returning it 15:30:09
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 15:30:13
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro so we now have a 1:1 conversion from surrealdb to messagepack 15:30:32
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro wow this is just too cool 15:30:35
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 nice ig 15:30:46
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro aand because I also built messagepack <-> lua we can use data returned from surrealdb as if it were a normal lua table 15:31:23
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro surrealdb <-> messagepack <-> lua, talk about communication 15:31:35

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