
Data science at home podcast (datascienceathome.com) Bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#datascienceathome:matrix.org

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17 Oct 2020
@fynchy:matrix.orgfynchy left the room.17:51:19
14 Nov 2020
@dmayilyan:matrix.orgdmayilyan joined the room.17:36:55
@dmayilyan:matrix.orgdmayilyan left the room.17:36:56
27 Nov 2020
@riotuser01:matrix.orgriotuser01 joined the room.23:09:15
@riotuser01:matrix.orgriotuser01 left the room.23:14:56
1 Dec 2020
@permafrostig:matrix.orgpermafrostig joined the room.18:27:53
@permafrostig:matrix.orgpermafrostig left the room.18:33:17
30 Dec 2020
@harter:matrix.orgharter joined the room.19:27:05
@harter:matrix.orgharter left the room.19:27:06
8 Jan 2021
@djangid009:matrix.orgdjangid009 joined the room.07:29:07
@djangid009:matrix.orgdjangid009 left the room.07:29:08
17 Jan 2021
@decondarts:matrix.orgdecondarts joined the room.19:30:00
@decondarts:matrix.orgdecondarts left the room.19:30:01
18 Jan 2021
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante joined the room.14:09:35
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante left the room.14:09:56
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante joined the room.14:12:23
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante left the room.14:13:34
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante joined the room.14:15:31
@amysdante:matrix.orgamysdante left the room.14:15:31
20 Jan 2021
@magt:matrix.orgMagTk joined the room.22:11:52
@magt:matrix.orgMagTk left the room.22:11:55
12 Feb 2021
@rrdipnie:matrix.org@rrdipnie:matrix.org joined the room.20:39:01
@rrdipnie:matrix.org@rrdipnie:matrix.org left the room.20:39:02
10 Apr 2021
@moses_k:matrix.orgMOSES K joined the room.19:32:43
@moses_k:matrix.orgMOSES K left the room.19:33:12
12 Jul 2021
@tumtumtumtumtum:matrix.orgTumTumTumTumTum joined the room.09:00:17
@tumtumtumtumtum:matrix.orgTumTumTumTumTum left the room.09:00:18
19 Jul 2021
@andrey_k:matrix.organdrey_k joined the room.07:00:18
@andrey_k:matrix.organdrey_k left the room.07:00:20
@andrey_k:matrix.organdrey_k joined the room.07:00:37

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