
The Great Reset Debate

235 Members
The Great Reset Debate is a group with no political links to any party be that mainstream or otherwise. We promote and encourage the discussion but not promotion of all content.12 Servers

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15 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeThen nothing will change, but at least one man will know that when you commit crimes you face the consequences.00:33:39
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialyour problem is you think neurotypicals are men00:33:55
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialneurotypicals are no more capable of moral reasoning than a dog00:34:03
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialif you want to change things you should focus on the puppetmasters pulling the strings00:34:22
Download bonhoeffer-puppet.png
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeWhatever it is you empowered the dog. Maybe I am the puppet master pulling the strings. In any case I'm done with this "community"...same toxic dynamic that would even require there to be a "great reset".00:35:27
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialthe dog was empowered before i arrived00:35:44
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali observed the situation and evaluated my options00:35:59
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeMy speech is not your option.00:36:26
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
My speech is not your option.
invite me to your room then
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeAnd anyway I don't have time for this nonsense. I have plenty of enemies in the real world to be wasting my time on supposed allies trying to trip me up or slow me down.00:37:03
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
invite me to your room then
I don't want to speak to you I want to speak to pizza and the others invited by jlj.
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
And anyway I don't have time for this nonsense. I have plenty of enemies in the real world to be wasting my time on supposed allies trying to trip me up or slow me down.
i'm trying to slow you down because you are running off a cliff
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
I don't want to speak to you I want to speak to pizza and the others invited by jlj.
i am not pizza and i am not jlj
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali am me00:38:04
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI speak to everyone the same way. Judges don't try to censor me, they rule in my favor... The hubris in thinking you know better, this is the problem. I can't tell you how many times I've been physically blocked from even entering courthouses and had to literally give police the smack down so that the judge could tell them to kiss my ass.00:40:19
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe* I speak to everyone the same way. Judges don't try to censor me, they rule in my favor... The hubris in thinking you know better, this is the problem. I can't tell you how many times I've been physically blocked from even entering courthouses and had to literally give police the physical smack down so that the judge could tell them to kiss my ass.00:40:34
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali am happy that so far you have met nice judges00:41:04
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI don't think they were nice I think they're just afraid of me because there not deluding themselves with their imagination as to what's in the other side of a keyboard. 00:42:09
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe* I don't think they were nice I think they're just afraid of me because they're not deluding themselves with their imagination as to what's in the other side of a keyboard. 00:42:27
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialall it takes is one mean judge to say you were violent and end you00:43:17
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI think the last judge I threatened enrolled me in some kind of witness protection program because I submitted a document that said something about "protection of law" and he used that as a way to puss out. A lot of judges will puss out rather than get killed.00:44:33
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
all it takes is one mean judge to say you were violent and end you
All it takes is one mean pp to end a violent judge. They say I am sovereign (not that I say that...it seems to be their only explanation as to why they submit to me, not wanting to admit that they are simply not on the side of the law).
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
All it takes is one mean pp to end a violent judge. They say I am sovereign (not that I say that...it seems to be their only explanation as to why they submit to me, not wanting to admit that they are simply not on the side of the law).
yes, but you can only end one judge, and then they will end you
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI'm probably twice your age. Don't try to protect me.00:46:25
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali am 3100:46:35
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
yes, but you can only end one judge, and then they will end you
Those pussy ass mother fuckers ain't doing shit I'll bet the farm on that. They don't want to die.
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialthey kill people all the time00:47:13
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
they kill people all the time

People like you. With me, they know I can come at them from 10 directions, they know I will totally condemn them in the court record, and they know I'm not afraid, and they know my own "criminal" record is spotless.

The only problem I have with them is via people like you who try to force both my hand and theirs.

@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialso you claim00:51:23

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