
The Great Reset Debate

235 Members
The Great Reset Debate is a group with no political links to any party be that mainstream or otherwise. We promote and encourage the discussion but not promotion of all content.12 Servers

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15 Jun 2023
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialwhen i was in jail you didn't come rescue me00:51:28
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeI know other sovereign citizens that get the same results. One thing I can tell you is the law can't protect you if you don't speak for yourself. One thing I can tell you is that accepting a lawyer (court appointed or otherwise) makes you a ward of the state and strips you of your rights.00:53:19
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali know many people who speak for themselves who the law does not protect00:53:56
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_sociali can only assume that you have been lucky00:54:01
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeLiterally when you allow a lawyer to speak for you (and I had one judge forge my signature accepting that) you legally become a child and a person of unsound mind.00:54:27
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeSo You had to tear that up in front of the judge, point my finger at him, and lay down the law (ie threaten him). His jaw dropped of course, but he had no choice but to submit to my authority.00:55:27
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepePower and authority are not the same though.00:55:39
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepePolice have power, but authority is mine.00:55:59
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
i can only assume that you have been lucky
That's what pizza thinks. That's what all the people think who attack me, but the law is on my side, the judges are on my side when I corner them, and ever since this witness protection thing the police have beem following me around smiling and opening doors in front of me (practically rolling out the red carpet).
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe' In ancient times there dwelt in the Greek city of Miletus a man called Thales. He was not wealthy, but his wisdom had won him the respect of his fellow citizens. People would often gather to hear him speak, and were struck by the truth of his words. There were some, however, who could not see beyond his worn clothes, and humble circumstances. “ Why do you heed him?” they would say, “ he only questions the good of riches and worldly pleasures because he cannot get them. He is like the fox in the fable – he only calls the grapes sour because they hang way out of his reach.” One year the weather was exceptionally favourable and the olive trees were laden with olives. The people of Miletus thronged to the owners of the olive presses, but to their amazement, they all met with the same reply. “You must go to Thales if you want to press your olives; he arranged to hire my press last Winter, and carried it off at the beginning of Harvest time.” It was soon discovered that every press in the region had been hired by Thales of Miletus. Either by chance, or through his knowledge of the stars, he had foreseen that there would be a great olive crop that year, and with the little money he possessed, had given deposits for the use of all the olive presses in Miletus and the neighbouring island of Chios. Everyone, whether they liked it or not, had to hire their press from Thales, and he let them out at whatever rate he chose. “What a fortune Thales of Miletus must have gained!” people said to each other. “A man could work his life long and not earn so much.”' http://www.jamboree.freedom-in-education.co.uk/real_history/thales.htm01:08:12
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe search_social: only a person like you would think it matters whether lucky or not. I am also lucky that I haven't been run over by a car, but so what? That's irrelevant. 01:09:31
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
search_social: only a person like you would think it matters whether lucky or not. I am also lucky that I haven't been run over by a car, but so what? That's irrelevant.
(most) cars are not trying to kill you
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe"I believe in luck and I believe that the harder I work the luckier I get" - pepe's professor of statistical analysis in graduate school, ivy league11:19:19
In reply to @search_social:matrix.org
(most) cars are not trying to kill you
We also studied the intelligent adversary model in statistical decision making.
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeSo anyway. I'm not going to talk to you anymore because you didn't have enough respect to let me speak the truth to pizza. You are nothing but a delusional totalitarian and a communist and if you don't find a way to educate yourself then I guarantee that you will be the one who is extremely unlucky when I rain bullets on your worthless head. Eat shit you little punk!12:51:37
Download 715273958.jpg
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeIgnore you12:52:14
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe* (you are now being ignored)12:52:54
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialyou are afraid to face me in a room of your choosing12:56:25
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeYou disrespect the free exchange of knowledge and therefore you don't deserve to face me. I am not afraid of anything (obviously). Bye.12:58:42
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepeRedacted or Malformed Event16:41:51
Download ClientIsWardOfCourt.jpg
16 Jun 2023
@perfectperfect:matrix.orgpepe changed their display name from perfectperfect to pepe.02:13:11
In reply to @perfectperfect:matrix.org
You disrespect the free exchange of knowledge and therefore you don't deserve to face me. I am not afraid of anything (obviously).

if i had the power to give everyone free speech, i would, but i do not have that power
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialif you kept posting "kill" in that room it would be deleted and you wouldn't be able to talk to pizza anyway, not to mention pizza had blocked you anyway02:20:15
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_socialnothing i do could let you keep talking to pizza, but you were destroying the room for no reason instead of paying attention to the people who control the government02:20:51
17 Jun 2023
@tommyzjones2020:matrix.org@tommyzjones2020:matrix.orgHello anyone interested in cannabis and psychedelics products? I’m a supplier of quality cannabis and psychedelics products like shrooms, DMT, Lsd, Mdma, ketamine, chocolate bars, cart vapes,Clone cards, buds, wax, shatter, Edibles,some chill pills and more prescribed for patients as well. Let me know if you’re interested  by DM🔥🍁 can as well join our channel on telegram https://t.me/pacexoitic01:15:03
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] joined the room.12:31:28
@jlj:asra.gr@jlj:asra.gr joined the room.12:48:35
@jlj:asra.gr@jlj:asra.gr changed their profile picture.12:50:44

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