
The Great Reset Debate

235 Members
The Great Reset Debate is a group with no political links to any party be that mainstream or otherwise. We promote and encourage the discussion but not promotion of all content.12 Servers

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9 Nov 2023
In reply to @zergling:conduit.harpy.faith

Is it relatively easy to find yourself without ditching a fone entirely. I recommend doing it anyway, in favour of a linux pocket computer, or at the bare minimum, a fairphone, but that is a separate matter.
The key is simple: Treat it like a tool, not your master! You use it to solve certain problems, complete certain tasks, like talking to your friends who are far away.

I agree, a phone is a convenience tool and should not dictate your choices, organization, or self-management
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from rake to tobacco groyper.16:41:29
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.16:41:54
@order2852:matrix.org@order2852:matrix.org left the room.16:48:04
10 Nov 2023
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from tobacco groyper to John 8:44 groyper.17:05:50
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.17:06:13
11 Nov 2023
@telegram_525979863:t2bot.io💉🐴 Crumpled Drabs³ the Bowldhisattva (XXV-100)🎷 joined the room.00:56:06
@telegram_525979863:t2bot.io💉🐴 Crumpled Drabs³ the Bowldhisattva (XXV-100)🎷Download unnamed_file.mp400:55:50
@telegram_525979863:t2bot.io💉🐴 Crumpled Drabs³ the Bowldhisattva (XXV-100)🎷Download * unnamed_file.mp400:56:11
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙

Raising public awareness requires nothing more than to state the bare facts. No hyperbole or spin needed – the facts speak for themselves.

Many people still have no idea what 5G, smart cities or the ‘Internet of Things’ are, but more and more people sense something has gone awry in our world where people are glued to their devices 24/7, and a frenetic “race” is on to connect every facet of our lives to the internet.

Further, when people learn that this hyper-connected world will be enabled by a combination of radiating cell towers deployed outside our homes, tens of thousands of new satellites in space, and an ocean teaming with technology, many people are alarmed. And when they realize that our personal data is being harvested and used to fuel this initiative, alarm may turn to indignation. And upon finding out there is an initiative underway to connect people (internet of bodies), manipulate and control minds, to increase the lethality of war, to unleash smart dust, and lure people from the natural world into the virtual world of Metaverse, people are moved to speak out to stop this assault on us, wildlife, and the planet.

Following are suggested actions and resources to raise awareness about the harms of 5G and other sources of wireless radiation; to voice objections; and to reclaim our future – one that respects and protects the well-being of all life and is informed by the shared resources of the natural world. No action is too small, but we must also think big as time is of the essence. Be creative, have fun, and choose an action that resonates with your personal skill set, passion, and available time.

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙


The health and well-being of all Biological Life - including yours, your country-men and women, your children, the environment and all of Earth's beautiful creatures NEED YOUR HELP!!

Lives are at stake, this is no conspiracy. Make your Voice about your Choice of Non-Consent Heard!!! Time is running out. Our Planet's future depends on the actions of many. Please use the Non Consent Forms below and start bombarding your representatives as a matter of urgency.
The collection of Non-Consent Forms (see below) is a tool for concerned citizens to send an objection notices to being irradiated with non-ionising radiation and can be sent to the Telecom Industry, Government Officials, MPs, Councillors and Landowners. Please share widely.

Download Non-Consent form: Download Here Download Non-Consent Form

Members of Parliament Non-Consent form
– Download: Here Members of Parliament Non-Consent Form

Local Authorities Non-Consent form – Download: Here Local Authorities Non-Consent Form

Land owners Non-Consent form – Download: Here Land-Owners Non-Consent Form

Continue Reading for more useful information from EM Radiation Research Trust ... 📚 👀
✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@telegram_794633388:t2bot.io🇺🇦YoutubeDL - YouTube Download Bot changed their display name from 🇺🇦YoutubeDL to 🇺🇦YoutubeDL - YouTube Download Bot.17:19:23
14 Nov 2023
@telegram_711500294:t2bot.ioTwitter (𝕏) Media Downloader changed their profile picture.12:50:19
16 Nov 2023
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from John 8:44 groyper to females (said in a derogatory manner).14:17:00
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.14:17:22
18 Nov 2023
@deepak6353:matrix.orgDeepak joined the room.13:13:35
20 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel DBN World Wide Freedom Demonstration INFO CHANNEL
21 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Decoding the WHO’s New Pandemic ‘Agreement’ + New World Dis-Order With James Corbett
NOV 20, 2023

James Corbett and Dr. Meryl Nass return to “Good Morning CHD” to chronicle the latest Oct. 30 draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty — now pegged the pandemic ‘agreement’. As the clock counts down until the May 2024 World Health Assembly, the time has come for free and sovereign individuals of the world to reclaim their sovereignty, and fast. James and Meryl elucidate what a “complete reimagination” of the world’s power structure looks like, walking us through the game plan of the opponent’s multi-angled attack to bring about their “New World Dis-Order,” and provide us with inspirational solutions to fight back. Learn their strategies and get a grasp of the bigger picture in this episode of “Good Morning CHD.”

Watch it on CHD 📺

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
24 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW

The stakes have never been higher in our ongoing battle against the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled yet another draft of this alarming proposal, aimed at becoming the primary tool for managing global health crises. They are looking to become the global health authority before “the next pandemic strikes”, and it’s up to us to stop them.

Key changes include:

- WHO Autonomy in Declaring Pandemics - The Director-General could independently declare pandemic status, impacting economies and civil liberties.
- Combatting 'False' Information - Vague provisions could lead to restrictions on freedom of expression under the guise of controlling disease spread.

- Gone is the “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”

The urgency to act is now, as the next Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting is just a week from now. Will you sign to oppose this totalitarian power grab? Add your voice by signing our petition today.

Continue Reading & Sign Now ... 📚 👀 ✍🏻

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
"Mystery Pneumonia" tears through schools in China with 'many, many hospitalized' - in eerie echo of early days of "Covid"

“Hospitals in Beijing and 500 miles northeast in Liaoning are among those 'overwhelmed with sick children,' while school classes were 'on the verge of suspension', according to local news reports. The children are presenting with unusual symptoms that include inflammation in the lungs and a high fever - but no cough or other symptoms usually associated with flu, RSV and other respiratory illnesses.”

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✤ Via @Dr.ShankaraChetty
Could this "MYSTERY ILLNESS" be related to...

China's Liaoning to have 140,000 5G base stations by 2025?

Liaoning built more than 23,000 5G base stations this year, bringing the total to 25,138 as of Tuesday, according to Liaoning Communications Administration. The province currently has 8.3 million 5G subscribers.

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Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

In 2009, Professor Olle Johansson conducted a literature review, which included the 2007 Bioinitiative Report. He concluded that electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure, including WCR, can disturb the immune system and cause allergic and inflammatory responses at exposure levels significantly less than current national and international safety limits and raise the risk for systemic disease.
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Thermal effects involve an increase in body temperature

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
25 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Exit The WHO - Update from South Africa - Government responds to a live question in parliament - When will it Exit? - Shabnam Palesa Mohamed - NOV 21, 2023

A month ago, I met with the outspoken National Freedom Party member of Parliament Ahmed Munzoor Sheik Emam in Cape Town, South Africa. I worked with Mr Emam on various initiatives related to ivermectin access, vaccine related harms and compensation, and now the #ExitTheWHO campaign. At this meeting, we had an impactful talk, and I handed over the WHO Withdrawal Bill that I drafted in August. Emam did not hesitate. As a loyal representative of the people of South Africa, his primary interest is serving and protecting.

On the 15th of November, Emam raised a formal question for response by the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla. Here is the question and the response

Meanwhile our individual, group and organisation efforts continue to #ExitTheWHO. This is a key imperative for 2024, as we free ourselves from the clutches of the IMF, World Bank and World Economic Forum, and when we see the risks posed by the UN.

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✤ Via @SPMMedia

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
🌍TODAY: Join the World Council for Health South Africa + SA VAERS next Health Justice Conference, Saturday 25th November 2023.

2PM CAT (South Africa)
= 12pm GMT/UTC

Speakers include Dr Ivan Jardine, Dr Charne Gerber, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Adv Sabelo Sibanda, Dr Tros Bekker, Dr Anton Janse van Rensberg, Dr Zandre Botha, Dr Herman Edeling and Bruce Millar.

📍The programme includes:
The Pfizer Fraud
The C19 Contracts
Treating C19 shot survivors
C19 shots in the workplace
SA VAERS and #ExitTheWHO
Analysing the NHI + Solutions

Watch it on Rumble 📺

💚Report all vaccine injuries in South Africa: www.SAVAERS.co.za

✤ Via @WCHSouthAfrica

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
DoD and NATO FutureG & 5G
November 24 2023

The DoD and NATO are driving the deployment of wireless infrastructure marketed as “5G” or FutureG, which is not only purposed for communications, but is also a weapons system.

An underappreciated problem for free societies is the partnership of nations within the United Nations, an unelected organization intent on locking down and controlling the world’s population based on a manufactured public health “emergency,” engineered climate “emergency,” economic “emergency,” or other induced catastrophe. In light of United Nations corruption & overreach, and the fact that the purpose of the military is to destroy, not preserve life, civilians are urgently needed to provide regulatory barriers to deployment of communications networks. Bioethics and environmental safety guidance is needed to correct communications systems to be in service to, not enslavement of, the public.

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
26 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙

Amendments to the International Health Regulations were adopted at the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022. However, they have not been debated on or voted in by Parliament.

Concerns have been raised that Parliament has not discussed and will not have a say on the 307 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the amendments to 5 Articles of the IHR.

There is an 18 month period during which the leader of every nation can REJECT the amendments under Article 61 of the International Health Regulations.

• Loss of individual sovereignty
• One Health agenda
• Loss of independence in decisions on Health, pandemics and regulations in SA
• WHO influence on SA government
• Financial contributions to the WHO using your taxes

The deadline to reject the amendments (December 1, 2023) is rapidly approaching.

NOW would be a good time for YOU to have a say!

⭕️ Should parliament be forced to open discussions with the public and concerned organisations?
⭕️ Do you support the WHO’s amendments as proposed?


Have Your Say 🗣 🎙
✤ Via @dearsafrica

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance South Africa WhatsApp Group
1 Dec 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Object to the W.H.O's Proposed Health Amendments by the end of today!!

Vote NO to the WHO amendments that would give more power to corrupt governments and private individuals. By voting NO, we can stand up against the injustice and ensure that evil does not prevail. It is our duty to hold accountable those who try to exploit their power and protect the rights and well-being of all individuals. Let us not turn a blind eye, but instead take action and make a stand against the forces that seek to undermine our human rights and our sovereignty.

This will all end if we just say "NO!"

➡️Download the Summary and full Policy Brief ...
Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health
➡️Download the Bill in Word and PDF here ...
➡️ Please use this proforma letter to write to your local councillor or representative.

✍️ Sign here to vote at DearSA

Sign here to vote at CitizenGo

✍️Sign the "Support the Bill" campaign
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign the petition to exit the WHO.

✍️ Sign here to vote at Referendums.co.za

Please share these links and documents FAR AND WIDE!!
✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance South Africa WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙

Let’s look more closely at how WHO supports the wireless telecom industry and is intentionally misinforming the public:

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The Warshaw Symposium

As early as 1973 - 50 years ago - WHO knew the truth about the harmful effects of microwave radiation.
It published a document based on a symposium held in Warsaw on 15–18 October 1973 and attended by 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans. As early as 1973 - 50 years ago - WHO knew the truth about the harmful effects of microwave radiation.

View the 350 page document here... 📚 👀

✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
2 Dec 2023
@yaretzi01:matrix.org@yaretzi01:matrix.org left the room.05:06:51
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
FASA NEWS: "Unsafe and Ineffective" Court Case against Pfizer

Loving Life TV - Freedom Alliance South Africa on "Unsafe and Ineffective" Court Case against Pfizer and Related Human Rights Infringements

Joining Scott from FASA:

Egon Oswald
Arthur Schmidt
Pierre van Niekerk
Kimon Boyiatjis

Watch it on Loving Life Tv 📺
Please help us further our fight by supporting us through funding. Your generous contributions will enable us to continue our efforts to fight for your rights. With your financial support, we can continue to fight the good fight to the end. 

We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate financially, but there are other ways you can support us. Sharing this link with your network, spreading awareness about our case on social media, and praying for us are all valuable ways to show your support.

✤ Read FASA's Press Release here📚 👀
✤ The full set of court papers can be downloaded here 📚 👀

Donations to support the court case:
💧Via PayPal
can be made HERE
💧To contribute via EFT:
Freedom Alliance South Africa
Standard Bank
Acc no: 10201683146
Branch code: 051001

Please visit our website before making any payments to ensure that the banking information on any of our social media posts matches the information on our website.

Thank you for your support!

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance South Africa WhatsApp Group
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police

That message is likely a scam and what we call 'too good to be true'.

For more information go to

  • https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/digital-asset-and-crypto-investment-scams-investor-alert
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFWaA7mt9oM
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