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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger additionally, is it possible to make the intro as long as I want? will musQueen play just fine after musQueenIntro is done playing or does it not work like that 10:21:57
@_discord_279804805814157313:t2bot.ioIdiot Supervisor unfortunately, the code forces musQueen to play 10 (?) seconds after entering queen room, meaning the code has to be changed to make the intro longer otherwise the music will overlap 10:25:38
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger I see that's a shame, it sucks because if I take the intro from the song I'm trying to squeeze into this system into musQueenIntro it'll mean the resulting musQueen either won't loop properly or I start it at the midsection and it loops but that means it jumps from the intro to the middle of the song lol 10:30:00
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger what happens if I remove only musQueenBreak 10:33:10
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger does queens 2 and 3 still play 10:33:15
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger albeit with silence in between them I'd assume 10:33:28
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger * do queens 2 and 3 still play 10:33:40
@_discord_279804805814157313:t2bot.ioIdiot Supervisor it might cause the whole thing to only play musQueen ?
i think the code checks if all the extra music is added so if one is missing, it doesn't use any of them and solely uses musQueen
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger hmm 10:46:40
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger I'll probably end up messing around with it anyways 10:46:58
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger thanks 10:46:59
@_discord_279804805814157313:t2bot.ioIdiot Supervisor * it might cause the whole thing to only play musQueen ?
i think the code checks if all the extra music is added so if one is missing, it doesn't use any of them and solely uses musQueen and musQueenIntro
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger ok so the options are delete all but musQueenIntro and the song plays immediately but doesn't loop which I suppose is obvious 11:28:01
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger or delete all but musQueen and the song loops but doesn't play immediately 11:28:13
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger I think I'm settling for the first option since the song is long enough that I probably won't be there for the end 11:28:32
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger no such thing as 6 min+ queen fights surely 11:29:27
@_discord_171016065105526785:t2bot.ioIdiot B-56 https://tenor.com/view/pedro-monkey-puppet-meme-awkward-gif-15268759 12:24:55
@_discord_365624038464421888:t2bot.io2cents98 Cut the first 10 seconds you have to use for QueenIntro from the beginning, put it at the end in a track editing software 12:33:02
@_discord_365624038464421888:t2bot.io2cents98 Bam; loop 12:33:10
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger Hmmmmmm 15:57:39
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger it's not perfect because there's still like less than a half second pause between intro and queen where the custom song has no pause but it works 18:09:22
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger it's a compromise either ways without changing the game itself directly 18:10:06
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger ah well 18:10:06
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger thanks for that though I'm stupid for not coming up with i t 18:10:19
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger * thanks for that though I'm stupid for not coming up with it 18:10:22
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody You could keep making minor tweaks to where it's cut until it matches up smoothly. Theoretically it should be able to be precise down to a 48,000th of a second, it would just be tedious to fine-tune. :P 18:13:14
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger I just took queen intro's exact length and took that much from the custom song's start 18:15:45
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger not sure how tweaking it to make it shorter would help 18:16:24
@_discord_311562526984765443:t2bot.iomr.ledger if it even helps 18:17:14
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody If there's a pause, you need to make it longer, not shorter. The amount of time from the start of the intro to the start of the main theme is hardcoded; the length of the intro doesn't affect when the main theme plays. 18:22:56

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