
TV Whitespace & TV Band Device Networking/Mesh - TVWS & TVBDs, & some unlicensed SDR.

85 Members
Discussion of implementation of Television Whitespace networking & mesh networking; and where to buy TVBDs, or how to use SDRs/GNURadio, hacking low cost dongles, et cetera. F(L)OSS — IEEE 802.22 WRAN & IEEE 802.11af TV Band Device WLAN. ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.22 ° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11af ° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV-band_device ••• Temporary home of 915 MHz IEEE 802.11ah discussion and Unlicensed bands where data is allowed, inclusive of SDR (Software Defined Radio); this other than 2.4GHz or 5 GHz. Discuss those frequencies in a mesh room that has no idea about other bands, whereas they wonder about range limitations. But #mesh:matrix.org is okay. ° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11ah ° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlicensed_Personal_Communications_Services ° https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_radio_service ° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-Use_Radio_Service ••• Room is "World Readable" → https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23TVWS:matrix.org ••• Stat's & Long Topic, et cetera: https://matrixstats.org/room/!xOkEXIgxDVypqjxQqj:matrix.org ••• For sharing: "TV Whitespace & TV Band Device Networking/Mesh - TVWS & TVBDs, & some unlicensed SDR." [TV Whitespace & TV Band Device Networking/Mesh - TVWS & TVBDs, & some unlicensed SDR.](https://matrix.to/#/!xOkEXIgxDVypqjxQqj:matrix.org) ° https://matrix.to/#/!xOkEXIgxDVypqjxQqj:matrix.org ° !xOkEXIgxDVypqjxQqj:matrix.org ••• HashTags: #TVWS #TVWhiteSpace #TelevisionWhiteSpace #TVBD #TVBandDevice #TelevisionBandDevice #TVBDs #TVBandDevices #TelevisionBandDevices #IEEE802.22 #802.22 #IEEE802.11af #802.11af (also 915MHz #IEEE802.11ah #802.11ah ) ••••13 Servers

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