20 Apr 2023 |
| @waffledg_4:anontier.nl left the room. | 05:48:07 |
| @wolf_senji:anontier.nl left the room. | 05:53:23 |
| @edwin-vanqueef:anontier.nl left the room. | 05:55:41 |
| @fudencio:anontier.nl left the room. | 05:57:51 |
| @ccn:anontier.nl left the room. | 05:58:47 |
| @mool:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:11:07 |
| @huntsman:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:26:34 |
| @s_master:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:48:12 |
| @bigbootybabe:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:51:24 |
| @pnpdaddy:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:55:57 |
| @fummyfummy:anontier.nl left the room. | 06:56:51 |
| @loli:anontier.nl left the room. | 07:07:12 |
| @user69:anontier.nl left the room. | 07:12:30 |
| @paladinsmash:anontier.nl left the room. | 07:22:23 |
| @owenjinxy:anontier.nl left the room. | 07:33:48 |
| @brapgod:anontier.nl left the room. | 07:56:54 |
| @knottyk9:anontier.nl left the room. | 08:11:41 |
| @oreimo:anontier.nl left the room. | 08:14:16 |
| @ynglvr:anontier.nl left the room. | 22:28:39 |
21 Apr 2023 |
| Akuma changed their display name from akhuma to akuma. | 10:53:22 |
| Akuma changed their display name from akuma to Akuma. | 10:56:39 |
| @hannesdulli:matrix.org banned @throng:matrix.org. | 12:36:43 |
25 Apr 2023 |
| @koni/demiko:matrix.org left the room. | 00:53:04 |
27 Apr 2023 |
| @sleepyash:matrix.org joined the room. | 06:56:34 |
| @kibawolf:matrix.org left the room. | 22:40:36 |
29 Apr 2023 |
| @nardops:matrix.org left the room. | 08:32:53 |
3 May 2023 |
| @cloud6x:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:39:17 |
| @cloud6x:matrix.org left the room. | 10:42:44 |
| @4i4otomo:matrix.org left the room. | 21:08:54 |
5 May 2023 |
| @testusernotinuseanymore:matrix.org left the room. | 09:44:53 |