9 Aug 2023 |
| AMIR NIRVANA changed their profile picture. | 03:58:02 |
11 Aug 2023 |
| EbI changed their display name from EBRAHIM to EbI. | 11:30:48 |
17 Aug 2023 |
| @gonzo17ab:matrix.org joined the room. | 03:51:37 |
| @gonzo17ab:matrix.org left the room. | 03:51:39 |
| Mahdi changed their display name from Mahdi Shamizi to Mahdi. | 10:25:48 |
| Mahdi changed their profile picture. | 10:25:49 |
18 Aug 2023 |
| AMIR NIRVANA changed their profile picture. | 08:59:13 |
23 Aug 2023 |
| @zrnmk:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:53:09 |
| @zrnmk:matrix.org left the room. | 15:53:26 |
| @zrnmk:matrix.org left the room. | 15:53:36 |
27 Aug 2023 |
| @d_s_i_l_v_a_:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:57:22 |
| @d_s_i_l_v_a_:matrix.org left the room. | 19:57:27 |
30 Aug 2023 |
| @couldbecollin:matrix.org joined the room. | 14:43:33 |
| @couldbecollin:matrix.org left the room. | 14:43:35 |
| @rehydrate-freight-skied:matrix.org joined the room. | 22:42:33 |
| @rehydrate-freight-skied:matrix.org left the room. | 22:42:34 |
31 Aug 2023 |
| ramin changed their display name from r to ramin. | 20:41:50 |
| pouria changed their profile picture. | 22:50:52 |
1 Sep 2023 |
| @shibobo:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:43:38 |
| @shibobo:matrix.org left the room. | 23:43:44 |
6 Sep 2023 |
| @kasraaa:matrix.org joined the room. | 12:47:19 |
| @kasraaa:matrix.org left the room. | 12:47:27 |
| @h171655h:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:26:14 |
| @h171655h:matrix.org left the room. | 15:26:24 |
8 Sep 2023 |
| Mahdi changed their display name from Mahdi to Mahdi Shamizi. | 09:41:41 |
| pouria changed their profile picture. | 12:55:56 |
15 Sep 2023 |
| Mahdi changed their profile picture. | 14:32:17 |
21 Sep 2023 |
| سبحان changed their profile picture. | 19:45:54 |
| @abbash:matrix.org joined the room. | 20:24:04 |
| @abbash:matrix.org left the room. | 20:24:05 |