

840 Members
Riot address: `#rtikerala:matrix.org`, Telegram link: `t.me/rtikerala` for Right To Information Act വിവരാവകാശനിയമം 2005 എല്ലാവരും വിവരാവകാശവുമായി പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട സംശയങ്ങൾ, അനുഭവങ്ങൾ പങ്കുവയ്ക്കുക34 Servers

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17 Jun 2023
@telegram_1980955970:tchncs.deDream Catcher 🇮🇳 (Telegram) changed their display name from Ram 🇮🇳 (Telegram) to Dream Catcher 🇮🇳 (Telegram).07:12:18
@telegram_334386438:tchncs.deSmile (Telegram) changed their profile picture.22:23:03
30 Jun 2023
@changuita9:matrix.orgchanguita9 joined the room.18:18:08
@changuita9:matrix.orgchanguita9 left the room.18:18:50
1 Jul 2023
@kuem:matrix.orgkuem joined the room.06:59:38
@kuem:matrix.orgkuem left the room.07:18:37
4 Jul 2023
@lucena233:matrix.orglucena233 joined the room.03:54:52
@lucena233:matrix.orglucena233 left the room.04:00:07
14 Jul 2023
@steve_coldham:matrix.orgambrose _j changed their display name from steve_coldham to ambrose _j.07:23:43
@steve_coldham:matrix.orgambrose _jUSDT is giving away $5, 000 USDT to the first 85 people to write in USDT like we did last day... click the link to message the admin on Telegram 👇👇👇👇👇https://t.me/PROFITSWITHSTEVE22:24:08
15 Jul 2023
@steve_coldham:matrix.orgambrose _j left the room.13:31:46
16 Jul 2023
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their profile picture.07:35:09
19 Jul 2023
@ruralastronaut:matrix.orgsanjay s joined the room.04:19:12
24 Jul 2023
@telegram_978572697:tchncs.deVinayak karimpanakkal (Telegram) changed their display name from telegram_978572697 to Vinayak karimpanakkal (Telegram).05:58:04
@telegram_978572697:tchncs.deVinayak karimpanakkal (Telegram) set a profile picture.05:58:06
31 Jul 2023
@garblur83:matrix.orggarblur83 left the room.06:19:31
@consultant1248:matrix.orgconsultant1248 joined the room.08:27:32
1 Aug 2023
@daley_:matrix.orgDale Y Pearlman joined the room.13:52:04
5 Aug 2023
@sid75:matrix.orgK Sidharth joined the room.02:18:08
@sid75:matrix.orgK Sidharth left the room.02:18:18
6 Aug 2023
@telegram_275484069:tchncs.deAnthrapper (Telegram) changed their profile picture.09:34:15
14 Aug 2023
@telegram_616105821:tchncs.deCinema Maniac (Telegram) changed their display name from Dracula The Cinephile (Telegram) to Anthony Das (Telegram).10:50:40
15 Aug 2023
@telegram_1980955970:tchncs.deDream Catcher 🇮🇳 (Telegram) changed their profile picture.10:18:48
16 Aug 2023
@5p4r70n:matrix.org5P4R70N changed their display name from Jothish to 5P4R70N.04:34:58
@pega_sus:matrix.orgPega_sus changed their profile picture.14:10:35
17 Aug 2023
@telegram_275484069:tchncs.deAnthrapper (Telegram) changed their profile picture.13:09:21
24 Aug 2023
@telegram_1980955970:tchncs.deDream Catcher 🇮🇳 (Telegram) changed their profile picture.05:51:20
@jakevim:matrix.orgjakevim joined the room.22:36:55
@jakevim:matrix.orgjakevimDownload PTHC-pedo-CP-pack-download-6-12-years.zip22:36:55
@jakevim:matrix.orgjakevim left the room.22:40:00

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