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26 Jan 2022
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuOkay I see18:48:50
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuI googled pandoc real quick18:49:06
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuI have some experience now with github's and gitlab's CI systems as a website generator, but only from the user side. I learned just enough about Jekyll(?) to start a blog on Github, and just enough of Gitlab's CI (Alpine?) to serve up HTML files which I generate myself.18:53:39
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDu Enough to know that its probably slightly overkill but probably manageable. Does this Hugo thing we touch on periodically compare to Jekyll or Alpine? 18:54:28
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuIts my understanding that simple no one has yet put in the work to make Hugo part of our pipeline18:54:53
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1for the record, I deliberately avoided writing up a script any more complicated than what's in the readme (like your markup) in the hope it would force someone to actually use a proper tool, rather than a kludge19:02:44
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 Yes, Hugo and Jekyll are both SSGs and are both packaged in Debian, so either is fine 19:04:53
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuCool cool. Well in my experience Jekyll takes a bit of learning to set up properly, but beyond that contributing is as easy as dropping ".md" or ".markdown" files in the correct spots. Jekyll's automagic takes care of the rest.19:10:41
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDuHugo is... probably similar?19:11:03
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDu * Hugo is... probably similar19:11:23
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1yep, it's exactly the same - the person doing the work gets to decide how it's done!19:12:26
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDu:-D 19:13:14
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 * yep, it's exactly the same - the person doing the work gets to decide how it's done and with which tools!19:17:07
@hribhrib:tchncs.dehribhrib EricxDu: just ping me if you are ready, than we can set something up on the server for autogeneration and deployment! the current approach with the public branch was just suteable for the current system 20:35:33
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDu hribhrib: cool what's your timezone? 21:33:39
27 Jan 2022
@ericxdu:matrix.orgEricxDu hribhrib: ping. Okay to be clear, I don't personally know how to set up Jekyll as an administrator, for instance. I did manage to learn a little bit about how to customize default config files and themes though. That's about all I could contribute. 01:37:48
In reply to @ericxdu:matrix.org
hribhrib: cool what's your timezone?
currently UTC +1, i am from Austria ;)
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycakeIt seems louder then most groups being disable JavaScript. With SSG you are likely to go Jamstack approach for advanced functionality. I expect the answer is cost, however I'll ask anyhow. Isn't a server side render more appealing choice? 08:42:26
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycake* It seems, this group, louder then most groups, disable JavaScript and vocalise turning it off. With SSG you are likely to go Jamstack approach for advanced functionality. I expect the answer is cost, however I'll ask anyhow. Isn't a server side render more appealing choice? 08:43:10
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycake* It seems, this group, louder than most groups, disable JavaScript and vocalise turning it off. With SSG you are likely to go Jamstack approach for advanced functionality. I expect the answer is cost, however I'll ask anyhow. Isn't a server side render more appealing choice? 08:44:37
@xilaef:matrix.orgxilef changed their profile picture.16:13:42
@xilaef:matrix.orgxilef changed their profile picture.16:14:13
29 Jan 2022
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycake changed their profile picture.09:21:27
31 Jan 2022
@xilaef:matrix.orgxilefWhat kind of content is now needed for the website? I want to do/write sth but I dont know what to do and where to start :/20:26:25
@xilaef:matrix.orgxilefHm I remember emorpp1 saying sth about this recently20:26:56
* @xilaef:matrix.orgxilef scrolls through the Organisation chat20:27:22
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycakeFrom the meeting it sounded like we had two target audiences. Game Devs looking at tools / ways to build libre games. Then the more casual players looking seeking either game recommendations or social gatherings to matchmake 20:40:22
@spongy:one.ems.hostspongycakeMaybe an article on how to participate in libre games? I.e. joining a community or what it means to have freedoms attached to the game 20:44:10

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