14 Feb 2023 |
| WA0KZQ VE joined the room. | 15:44:04 |
15 Feb 2023 |
| K4TXN joined the room. | 12:54:31 |
| kaptamerica#0 changed their display name from KaptAmerica to KaptAmerica#0425. | 13:56:42 |
| kaptamerica#0 changed their display name from KaptAmerica#0425 to KaptAmerica. | 13:56:44 |
16 Feb 2023 |
| M6GSN - Glen#5627 changed their profile picture. | 11:04:47 |
17 Feb 2023 |
| GoBuckYourself357 joined the room. | 21:58:37 |
18 Feb 2023 |
| AquilaFasciata joined the room. | 01:26:18 |
| kd4e#0 joined the room. | 01:26:21 |
| Jack-KN4TIN joined the room. | 12:41:56 |
| AeroFuryDronePilot joined the room. | 23:47:21 |
19 Feb 2023 |
| ka9cql joined the room. | 01:33:30 |
20 Feb 2023 |
| oe3anc#0 joined the room. | 06:49:28 |
| tarxvf#0 changed their profile picture. | 07:33:29 |
| tarxvf#0 changed their display name from tarxvf#6704 to tarxvf. | 07:33:32 |
| VU3TBR _Bala joined the room. | 11:29:29 |
| 7h|5 joined the room. | 15:43:28 |
| WiFi404 joined the room. | 20:00:32 |
21 Feb 2023 |
| Steel Case joined the room. | 01:36:19 |
| Chad (KF0CZD) joined the room. | 03:38:56 |
22 Feb 2023 |
| Morgan W6/ON4MOD joined the room. | 14:35:40 |
| _php_#0 changed their profile picture. | 17:46:57 |
23 Feb 2023 |
| rosy joined the room. | 23:27:57 |
24 Feb 2023 |
| Steve G 210 joined the room. | 02:44:15 |
| izzyknight#4217 joined the room. | 16:36:20 |
26 Feb 2023 |
| Bored Person Reincarnated joined the room. | 00:00:28 |
1 Mar 2023 |
| DvMega joined the room. | 10:38:26 |
| f5swb joined the room. | 13:09:31 |
| werg38 joined the room. | 18:39:17 |
| ADeadTrousers joined the room. | 18:45:40 |
2 Mar 2023 |
| K5JAE joined the room. | 22:49:36 |