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18 Jul 2024
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> I get Particl, Litecoin, Monero and WOWnero running, but when i get the error"
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> When i try to open the bitcoin wallet 09:15:32
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> I have Particl, Litecoin Monero en WOWnero running, but when i install Bitcoin and try to open the Bitcoin wallet i get th error; bsx-removecoin 09:17:32
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> Sorry 09:17:46
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmrbsx-removecoin isnt an error09:17:49
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> 2024-07-18 11:07:43 WARNING : threadPollChainState BTC, error: RPC server error [Errno 111] Connection refused, method: getblockchaininfo 09:17:58
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmrAnd how full is your ram09:18:36
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> I have 15% of ram in use 09:19:08
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmr pidof bitcoind 09:19:31
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> Swap is at 55% of ram 09:19:40
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> 2024-07-18 11:20:42 WARNING : Error, iteration 0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/steef/coinswaps/particl/particl.pid' 09:21:01
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmrshare coinswaps/basicswap.log coinswaps/bitcoin/debug.log and coinswaps/particl/debug.log09:22:30
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> will do 09:22:58
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmr Or send.vis.ee to upload the files directly 09:23:44
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> https://send.vis.ee/download/f317637f84aa353b/#oEyFKd6_jBF7zI7J73J3RQ 09:24:17
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> What do you mean by paste.debian.net? (re @pennyworth_1_bot: (matrix) Paste.debian.net) 09:25:39
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> Ok i think you may mean the site paste.debian.net 09:27:14
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmrThe blockchain is corrupt09:36:55
@ofrnxmr:xmr.mxofrnxmrconsidering that it happens to ltc and btc, its possible/likely that you have a hardware problem like bad ram or failing ssd10:10:36
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Stephan> Ok ik will check that. Thank you 👍 (re @pennyworth_1_bot: (matrix) considering that it happens...) 10:11:32
22 Jul 2024
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Andrew_111PG> gmgm Team! 08:24:17
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Andrew_111PG> You have an interesting Telegram infrastructure ☺️ 08:24:42
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Andrew_111PG> Well 08:24:59
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Andrew_111PG> Who would be the right person to discuss token-related initiatives with? 08:25:02
23 Jul 2024
@jovenlp86:matrix.orgJohnson joined the room.01:31:15
@jovenlp86:matrix.orgJohnson left the room.01:36:15
26 Jul 2024
@pennyworth:matrix.orgpennyworth [telegram] <Cryptoone0one> Go to another channel not the help one 06:53:19

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