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3 Oct 2024
@telegram_665812580:garudalinux.orgtako (Telegram)Download 🦫 (beaver)06:28:04
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer changed their profile picture.06:29:53
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] Doniyor Programmer
sent a sticker
You have good collection 😂
@telegram_665812580:garudalinux.orgtako (Telegram)image.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence WilliamsThis treatment is hitting me now. Feel like I've been beaten up06:49:41
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence Williams For those in the UK

Dial 159, say the name of your bank and they will put you through to your bank's fraud team

@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) Landoltimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) Landolt #OFFTOPIC:
Nonsense #FUN with ChatGPT

How to programm a computer game where you have to throw TruckNuts at John William Oliver as some sort non-violent revenge for the Snowden Interview?

Gif just below
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) LandoltDownload snowden-trucknuts.mp4.2.gif.mp407:43:09
@telegram_1272135379:garudalinux.org[TG] Garuda Linux News 📨 Forwarded message from channel Garuda Linux News 📨
Sunsetting the Garuda Matrix services
@drjaska:hacklab.fi@drjaska:hacklab.fi :> 09:19:25
@telegram_6985816854:garudalinux.orgDownload 😨 (fearful face)09:33:17
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence Williams
In reply to [TG] Garuda Linux News 📨
Forwarded message from channel Garuda Linux News 📨
Sunsetting the Garuda Matrix services
Was always on the cards, more and more as the unwanted content increased
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge botIt really became a real issue as of late, yes09:34:57
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence WilliamsYesterday was the breaking point though. It went from content that was annoying but wasn't illegal unless interacted with. Yesterday though moved that past that been point, after that action was always the next stage09:38:21
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence Williams* Yesterday was the breaking point though. It went from content that was annoying but wasn't illegal unless interacted with. Yesterday though moved that past that point, after that action was always the next stage09:38:48
@telegram_6117688817:garudalinux.org[TG] INFINIX [On a Break]
In reply to [TG] Garuda Linux News 📨
Forwarded message from channel Garuda Linux News 📨
Sunsetting the Garuda Matrix services
what are matrix services? i’ve been unaware of them, even though i might have unknowingly used them at some point
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot
In reply to [TG] INFINIX [On a Break]
what are matrix services? i’ve been unaware of them, even though i might have unknowingly used them at some point
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bota chat service11:41:42
@telegram_6117688817:garudalinux.org[TG] INFINIX [On a Break]oh i see11:45:03
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor ProgrammerWhich is better Graphical shutdown or $ shutdown now12:00:18
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot
In reply to [TG] Doniyor Programmer
Which is better Graphical shutdown or $ shutdown now
i'd prefer graphical
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge botit allows programs to protest about shutting down like unsaved files12:04:32
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge botsystemctl poweroff is more like12:04:43
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot"you're turning off, like it or not"12:04:48
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence Williamspower ended12:06:34
@telegram_745712540:garudalinux.org[TG] Lawrence Williamsi always close everything that i've opened anyway12:08:49
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmerimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_1351462026:garudalinux.org[TG] Jihad-man.13:31:14
@telegram_1351462026:garudalinux.org[TG] Jihad-man joined the room.13:31:14

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