
Cataclysm DDA

279 Members
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead Правила: 1. Спілкування українською мовою. 2. Без запрошень чи лінків у інші спільноти. 3. Боти, що генерують більше двох повідомлень на день, заборонені. Частина простору "Патріотична Україна" (#ukraine.all:matrix.org)148 Servers

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1 Jun 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst removed their profile picture.10:29:01
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst set a profile picture.10:31:54
8 Jun 2024
@armata:nitro.chatArmata changed their profile picture.19:37:06
12 Jun 2024
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social changed their profile picture.07:01:26
@ck9191:nitro.chatck9191 joined the room.07:05:52
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social changed their profile picture.14:44:22
13 Jun 2024
@atronis:matrix.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua@atronis:matrix.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua left the room.15:43:28
14 Jun 2024
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social changed their profile picture.16:30:04
15 Jun 2024
@doortoptree95:nitro.chat@doortoptree95:nitro.chat joined the room.05:23:54
@doortoptree95:nitro.chat@doortoptree95:nitro.chat left the room.05:26:25
19 Jun 2024
@qtr:tchncs.de@qtr:tchncs.de joined the room.23:43:02
28 Jun 2024
@qtr:tchncs.de@qtr:tchncs.de left the room.01:08:24
29 Jun 2024
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social changed their profile picture.06:18:24
1 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.07:21:01
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.08:23:28
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social changed their profile picture.19:25:04
2 Jul 2024
@EojjN:matrix.orgAJ (35Services) changed their display name from AJ to AJ (35Services.18:21:19
@EojjN:matrix.orgAJ (35Services) changed their display name from AJ (35Services to AJ (35Services).18:21:22
3 Jul 2024
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net joined the room.02:51:10
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net changed their profile picture.19:24:39
6 Jul 2024
@deepweb_3.0:nitro.chat@deepweb_3.0:nitro.chat joined the room.02:57:38
@deepweb_3.0:nitro.chat@deepweb_3.0:nitro.chat left the room.21:52:54
14 Jul 2024
@weired_init_vector:matrix.orgWeiredInitVec joined the room.13:58:06
7 Jul 2024
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net@porco0447:arcticfoxes.net left the room.09:12:02
16 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.20:00:38
18 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.00:38:57
19 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.11:23:33
@genesis:monero.social@genesis:monero.social left the room.21:01:23
22 Jul 2024
@marccum:tedomum.net@marccum:tedomum.net joined the room.19:33:11
@marccum:tedomum.net@marccum:tedomum.net left the room.19:33:28

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