28 Apr 2023 |
| spambotb7vkvuemzz joined the room. | 12:07:45 |
| is5j5mylv7 joined the room. | 12:08:52 |
| @spambotbr3kjo45mg:cat.casa joined the room. | 12:14:22 |
| g7sj83fzik joined the room. | 12:17:21 |
| spambot0aklp7pah6 joined the room. | 12:16:03 |
| c1gb5z8ds5 joined the room. | 12:08:28 |
| fn2k1lyoq7 joined the room. | 12:10:48 |
| spambot3b0b9029m4 joined the room. | 12:11:15 |
| spambot3robwdsqi0 joined the room. | 12:12:42 |
| spambot2knuef3gh6 joined the room. | 12:14:05 |
| y3t5czcazj joined the room. | 12:14:27 |
| s8aml3xrwt joined the room. | 12:14:06 |
| 6ggs0aih0g joined the room. | 12:15:12 |
| spambotvywi5kcscs joined the room. | 12:15:41 |
| r4viksq7zx joined the room. | 12:16:10 |
| qpzuw35hj8 joined the room. | 12:16:56 |
| spambotaewx3c29u4 joined the room. | 12:17:34 |
| spambot6ufjhmvc9n joined the room. | 12:17:58 |
| zv0nrdrlbf joined the room. | 12:18:30 |
| spambotdkcdp2i9an joined the room. | 12:18:04 |
| spambotu3mb8k1ktn joined the room. | 12:18:54 |
| 5f40aahy84 joined the room. | 12:18:38 |
| spambot27hx43v6gu joined the room. | 12:18:52 |
| j49fho4qq5 joined the room. | 12:19:28 |
| lafm3bzv99 joined the room. | 12:20:19 |
| admin changed the join rule to "invite" from "public". | 12:20:48 |
| @spambot873v17o011:cat.casa removed their display name spambot873v17o011. | 13:57:40 |
| @spambot873v17o011:cat.casa left the room. | 13:57:40 |
| @spambotri3bq7rwva:cat.casa removed their display name spambotri3bq7rwva. | 14:00:31 |
| @spambotcy7e9t03ze:matrix.werler.is left the room. | 21:35:26 |