18 Oct 2023 |
Thanos Apollo | In reply to @faed:matrix.org
graphviz is great. Graphviz is used in land of lisp early chapters (if I remember correctly) | 21:22:50 |
benoitj | guix uses it to show dependency graph | 21:23:08 |
benoitj | https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-graph.html | 21:23:35 |
Fade |
the only fault(s) with graphviz are that the dot language is algolish, and the graphs are all static. | 21:24:46 |
benoitj | yeah | 21:24:56 |
benoitj | wonder if the gource engine could be used to do thes same | 21:25:15 |
Fade |
a really good interactive graphing system in lisp would be ++awesome. | 21:27:12 |
Fade |
there should be a running list of such facilities that are currently lacking. | 21:28:31 |
benoitj | yeah | 21:28:39 |
benoitj |
In reply to
the only fault(s) with graphviz are that the dot language is algolish, and the graphs are all static.
I have a vision: (defn ->graphviz [digraph]...) | 21:43:28 |
benoitj | graphviz dot language is data driven, lisp is data driven. should be fairly simple to map | 21:44:09 |
benoitj | it exists: https://phronmophobic.github.io/clj-graphviz/ | 21:45:16 |
Fade |
there're also several cl libs for graphvis interoperation. | 21:45:40 |
benoitj | https://phronmophobic.github.io/clj-graphviz/ | 21:45:49 |
benoitj | cool | 21:45:52 |
benoitj | this is the link https://phronmophobic.github.io/clj-graphviz/#subgraph-and-cluster-example | 21:46:17 |
| * Fade
nods | 21:46:56 |
kaka.farm | Someone said there are no scoping rules for CL-style loops, generally speaking, in between the various implementations. | 22:07:54 |
Fade |
the loop will expand into a named block with jumps inside that block, so the internal scope is dynamic. | 22:09:07 |
Fade |
doing sly-macroexpand-all on a loop form should be fairly illuminating as to what's actually happening. | 22:10:11 |
Fade |
if you're doing this inside emacs in elisp, I don't know what the macroexpand command is, but it should exist. | 22:11:59 |
kaka.farm | No clojure on Termux. :( | 22:22:44 |
19 Oct 2023 |
Fade |
there used to be at least one clojure repl for android. | 00:40:21 |
benoitj | daviwil: I think it works. created the new address and I set it as the main address now | 03:31:02 |
benoitj | the other one still works since we're all still here | 03:31:22 |
benoitj | ok, now the address is no longer published, but it's still there. should achieve what we need for new people | 03:35:23 |
benoitj | maybe people can still see it from matrix.org though | 03:36:06 |
RZ_MJ | In reply to @benoitj:matrix.org the other one still works since we're all still here Adress changing can't throw people out of rooms. Rooms have adress-independent identifiers used behind the scenes. Rooms even persist without any identifiers that way (think of DMs and private groups). Adresses are just for convenient linking/joining. | 03:58:26 |
RZ_MJ | * Adress changing can't throw people out of rooms. Rooms have adress-independent identifiers used behind the scenes. Rooms even persist without any adresses that way (think of DMs and private groups). Adresses are just for convenient linking/joining. | 03:59:05 |
RZ_MJ | Since addresses are not the id they are even called 'aliases' in the documentation and spec. | 04:04:17 |