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18 Oct 2023
@thanos_apollon:matrix.orgThanos Apollo
In reply to @faed:matrix.org

graphviz is great.

Graphviz is used in land of lisp early chapters (if I remember correctly)
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjguix uses it to show dependency graph21:23:08

the only fault(s) with graphviz are that the dot language is algolish, and the graphs are all static.

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjwonder if the gource engine could be used to do thes same21:25:15

a really good interactive graphing system in lisp would be ++awesome.


there should be a running list of such facilities that are currently lacking.

In reply to Fade

the only fault(s) with graphviz are that the dot language is algolish, and the graphs are all static.

I have a vision: (defn ->graphviz [digraph]...)
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjgraphviz dot language is data driven, lisp is data driven. should be fairly simple to map21:44:09
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjit exists: https://phronmophobic.github.io/clj-graphviz/21:45:16

there're also several cl libs for graphvis interoperation.

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjthis is the link https://phronmophobic.github.io/clj-graphviz/#subgraph-and-cluster-example21:46:17
* @faed:matrix.orgFade


@falconstinker:matrix.orgkaka.farmSomeone said there are no scoping rules for CL-style loops, generally speaking, in between the various implementations.22:07:54

the loop will expand into a named block with jumps inside that block, so the internal scope is dynamic.


doing sly-macroexpand-all on a loop form should be fairly illuminating as to what's actually happening.


if you're doing this inside emacs in elisp, I don't know what the macroexpand command is, but it should exist.

@falconstinker:matrix.orgkaka.farmNo clojure on Termux. :(22:22:44
19 Oct 2023

there used to be at least one clojure repl for android.

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjdaviwil: I think it works. created the new address and I set it as the main address now03:31:02
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjthe other one still works since we're all still here03:31:22
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjok, now the address is no longer published, but it's still there. should achieve what we need for new people03:35:23
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjmaybe people can still see it from matrix.org though03:36:06
In reply to @benoitj:matrix.org
the other one still works since we're all still here
Adress changing can't throw people out of rooms. Rooms have adress-independent identifiers used behind the scenes. Rooms even persist without any identifiers that way (think of DMs and private groups). Adresses are just for convenient linking/joining.
@rz_mj:freiburg.socialRZ_MJ* Adress changing can't throw people out of rooms. Rooms have adress-independent identifiers used behind the scenes. Rooms even persist without any adresses that way (think of DMs and private groups). Adresses are just for convenient linking/joining.03:59:05
@rz_mj:freiburg.socialRZ_MJSince addresses are not the id they are even called 'aliases' in the documentation and spec.04:04:17

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