
Project Hacking - System Crafters

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14 Jun 2023
@daviwil:matrix.orgdaviwilGuile works on macOS, it's conceivable that Guix could be ported to it, though I doubt any Guix hackers would want to do it :)13:42:47
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjthey can configure macos in similar ways to a "system" config13:42:50
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjgoes back to the trisquel thing, yes it could work, no it wont be ported13:43:13
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjmacos is closed13:43:21
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjnix has two main artifact: regular nixos and darwin13:44:27
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjand it also has all the tools I need for work, recent node, java tools13:44:51



is trisquel still a thing? all I know about it is that it is what RMS used when he got bitchy because Debian isn't free enough.

@ashraz:libera.chatashraz left the room.13:55:56
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjI dont know, but guix feels like trisquel14:24:03
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjfrom the ideology14:24:22

because it has no graphics drivers?

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjstrong ideology that only foss is allowed. even mentioning non-free is not allowed14:25:13
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjit does make sense as they adhere to the fsf ideas14:25:51

ah. yes, well, I really want to love guix, but I've never actually succeeded at using it.

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjI want to love guix. I love the technical part of it.14:26:42

ultimately it's more important that I can use the tool in front of me than to hold some line in the sand.

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitji'm more BSD than GNU14:27:03

but, technically, guix is a very interesting system.


I'm 100% pro-GNU

@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjyeah, totally, that is what keeps me coming back to it14:27:20
@daviwil:matrix.orgdaviwilScheme is what keeps me there14:28:36

when I was at Rakuten/Kobo, I investigated using Guix as a server deployment platform.

@daviwil:matrix.orgdaviwilBut Guix is complex and kinda requires a programmer mindset when using it14:28:52
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjscheme is what keeps convincing me to go back :D14:29:02
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjthat is not the impediment for me14:29:15
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjI would prefer guix ideology to be like debian14:29:42
@benoitj:matrix.orgbenoitjthat would allow for a supported non-free kernel14:30:03

but we were doing bare metal bring-up, and we had a bunch of very expensive very niche fibre channel controllers attached to some actually enormous disk racks, and those controllers were driven by a very nasty piece of binary blob.

@cuberjan:matrix.org(λ () nil)I think most distros could learn from Debian's overall organization14:30:29

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