

604 Members
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Off-Topic: #pfo:matrix.org GitHub: https://github.com/searxng139 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
@acoleman:matrix.colemanha.usmanwichmakesamealNot a thing11:06:20
@p4b2w6jqo:matrix.orgp4b2w6jqoThanks for all your help everyone. I think I'll try a manual install11:21:35
In reply to @searxng-bot:matrix.org
<Guest55> what do you know about perplexica
Using SearXNG to stay current and fully open source, Perplexica ensures you always get the most up-to-date information without compromising your privacy. 🤪
@touka:matrix.nopwd.lol@touka:matrix.nopwd.lol left the room.18:41:17
@binarybytecode:matrix.orgbinarybytecode joined the room.20:23:54
@roughnecks:matrix.orgroughnecks changed their display name from @roughnecks:matrix.org to roughnecks.20:31:15
24 Jul 2024
@searxng-bot:matrix.orgsearxng-bot <Guest38> hola! 10:58:40
@searxng-bot:matrix.orgsearxng-bot <Guest38> looking for how to create a new template for searxng, was trying to copy simple and the static directory but there is something i'm missing... 10:59:47
26 Jul 2024
@jcarnat:matrix.orgJoel joined the room.09:19:29
@jcarnat:matrix.orgJoelI've been a bit too restrictive when setting up my firewall rules and searx.space was blocked for a day. I noticed that my instance was removed from searx.space list. I was wondering if I had special things to do to have it back listed now that I cleaned my FW rules. Or do I just have to way a bit longer than 24H for the instance to be relisted?09:24:35
In reply to @jcarnat:matrix.org
I've been a bit too restrictive when setting up my firewall rules and searx.space was blocked for a day. I noticed that my instance was removed from searx.space list. I was wondering if I had special things to do to have it back listed now that I cleaned my FW rules. Or do I just have to way a bit longer than 24H for the instance to be relisted?
is most likely listed inside offline
In reply to @unixfox:matrix.org
is most likely listed inside offline
Ah yes, it's in the Connection timed out section.
@jcarnat:matrix.orgJoelWill it be tested and moved to online automatically?09:43:48
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfoxit's automatically tested every 24h10:02:40
@jcarnat:matrix.orgJoelI'll keep an eye on it then. Thanks.10:08:50

New post in Recent discussions in searxng/searxng: Adding a quick links start page like firefox startpage

@xfreestar:matrix.orgalex-rss-feedRedacted or Malformed Event15:37:11
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmithDoes anyone else have an issue where running it from the python env dies after a few hours?17:28:29
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmithIf there a better way to run this that doesn't use the daemon and doesn't constantly die?17:28:49
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmith Just get this after a while and have to run it again;

`searxng.bash: line 3: 49587 Killed python searx/webapp.py`
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmith Just get this after a while and have to run it again;

searxng.bash: line 3: 49587 Killed python searx/webapp.py
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmith This is that script;
cd /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src
export SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH="/etc/searxng/settings.yml"
python searx/webapp.py
@searxng-bot:matrix.orgsearxng-bot <allen> AlexexanderESmith: Have you tried using "&" at the end? This lets scripts run in background. 19:54:26
@searxng-bot:matrix.orgsearxng-bot <allen> Also look into "nohup". 19:54:27
@binzy_boi:tchncs.debinzy_boi joined the room.20:14:29
@binzy_boi:tchncs.debinzy_boiHey all, was wondering if there were any instances of SearXNG that support Swisscows as a search engine to retrieve results from20:16:11
In reply to @searxng-bot:matrix.org
<allen> Also look into "nohup".
Or putting it in a system.d unit
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmithI tried daemonizing it, but the instructions on the SearXNG website didn't work. It's possible it's being killed because it's a long-running non-background process. I'll try & / etc22:09:33
27 Jul 2024

New post in searx: SearXNG -> Open webUI integration not working. HELP!


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