
neorg suggestions

567 Members
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20 Apr 2022
@_discord_748524289963065454:t2bot.ioefnull joined the room.09:46:02
21 Apr 2022
@_discord_809703897450414121:t2bot.ioTarunDaCodr#5804 joined the room.06:35:05
@_discord_809703897450414121:t2bot.ioTarunDaCodr#5804 Youtube neorg channel 06:35:05
@_discord_809703897450414121:t2bot.ioTarunDaCodr#5804 with vhyrro as host 06:35:16
@_discord_809703897450414121:t2bot.ioTarunDaCodr#5804 and tutorials and feature preview 06:35:30
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 joined the room.06:39:34
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 yayy 06:39:34
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 plus face reveal 06:39:37
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 with aloof 06:39:39
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III Fuck off 06:52:56
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III .... 06:53:01
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III Dace reveal this isn't one if those celeb shows my man 06:53:47
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 07:32:26
@_discord_908880722004168745:t2bot.iobryant-the-coder#7947 just show it 07:32:28
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III U first 07:49:50
@_discord_809703897450414121:t2bot.ioTarunDaCodr#5804 https://tenor.com/view/do-it-chant-cheer-gif-10693770 07:51:04
@_discord_331093517432651786:t2bot.ioNekketsu Some things I love about Orgmode:
- <leader>oa -> Opens agenda in several ways, can see and edit my tasks
- <leader>oc -> I can create a new task in any moment (while programming or whatever)
- <leader>or -> I can move a task from one .org to another .org files

I would love to know if there is something similar en neorg.
22 Apr 2022
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 there is 05:08:28
23 Apr 2022
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle changed their display name from Gilfoyle to Gilfoyle#3900.18:55:07
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle changed their display name from Gilfoyle#3900 to Gilfoyle.18:55:45
24 Apr 2022
@_discord_188332503428235265:t2bot.ioGroctel joined the room.21:38:01
26 Apr 2022
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from C god to NTBBloodbath#9368.03:13:44
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from NTBBloodbath#9368 to Argonaut.03:14:01
@_discord_184526183046578176:t2bot.ioKowwy joined the room.17:25:32
28 Apr 2022
@_discord_375748217427591169:t2bot.ioPug- joined the room.11:20:23
29 Apr 2022
@_discord_684404990730567701:t2bot.iob4qX joined the room.18:35:01
1 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot joined the room.20:06:56
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot left the room.20:06:57
2 May 2022
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from Argonaut to NTBBloodbath#9368.17:41:07
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from NTBBloodbath#9368 to NTBBloodbath.17:41:38

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