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20 Sep 2023
@_discord_325534431756550144:t2bot.iophsi#0 changed their profile picture.01:02:42
@_discord_766676481786380298:t2bot.iodeejay5640#0 joined the room.07:41:48
@_discord_766676481786380298:t2bot.iodeejay5640#0 .vhyrro Are you planing to integrate the agenda and capturing mode ? This feature is what kinda stops me to using neorg. Because i want to track my todos. I like how everything works, but without the feature from nvim-orgmode, emacs. I can't use neorg fully. 😦 07:41:49
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 yes that‘s currently being worked on 08:46:41
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 there already is an agenda view and capturing is part of gtd which is currently top priority 08:47:14
@_discord_766676481786380298:t2bot.iodeejay5640#0 This made my day. Can't wait to see this in production. Where i can find the agenda view in the docs? 09:03:40
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 it doesn‘t have much functionality yet but the ui is there 09:34:38
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro GTD is in the works, that'll give you everything you need and probably more :D 10:02:44
@_discord_766676481786380298:t2bot.iodeejay5640#0 Yeah i can't wait for this feature. Is there a Time when it's gone be in production? Like 2 weeks or is it couple months 10:51:06
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro difficult for me to say actually 10:51:50
@_discord_766676481786380298:t2bot.iodeejay5640#0 I hope it takes not too long 😄
Btw. What i missed by nvim-orgmode, was to define like standard work hours. So what i mean by that. If I define my work hours from 9am - 5pm. And i start a Task at 3pm and finish this on the next day at 10am. So that the actually time for that todo is not 19 hours but 3 hours. So that it counts the time ony in my work hours. And attentional to pause a task and play. So when i start a task and have to pause because of another task which is more important like bugfix. That i can then got back to that task and play it again. What do you think about this two features?
@_discord_320739250515738624:t2bot.iojumpyjacko joined the room.11:20:40
@_discord_222792463591538689:t2bot.iocasuanoob joined the room.18:02:54
@_discord_1153629519694020609:t2bot.ioemilydashork changed their display name from resistancemike to emilydashork#0.18:50:59
@_discord_1153629519694020609:t2bot.ioemilydashork changed their display name from emilydashork#0 to emilydashork.18:51:03
@_discord_348979230819745813:t2bot.ioitalogv joined the room.23:32:20
22 Sep 2023
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek joined the room.16:20:39
23 Sep 2023
@_discord_896837422418120714:t2bot.ioash.im joined the room.06:26:57
@_discord_937468879343607858:t2bot.iomikenotonslack joined the room.12:09:11
@_discord_807604038123913226:t2bot.iojs0593 changed their display name from js0593 to js0593#0.15:31:39
@_discord_807604038123913226:t2bot.iojs0593 changed their display name from js0593#0 to js0593.15:31:40
24 Sep 2023
@_discord_414050750189010945:t2bot.iolaxloeppt joined the room.09:17:05
@_discord_1134881284875882538:t2bot.ionocosttoogreat joined the room.16:10:03
@_discord_412719115145445397:t2bot.iodowndoot changed their display name from downdoot to downdoot#0.20:57:56
@_discord_412719115145445397:t2bot.iodowndoot changed their display name from downdoot#0 to downdoot.20:57:58
@_discord_126123710435295232:t2bot.ioidnot joined the room.22:44:10
@_discord_282264341104033792:t2bot.io__lucas. joined the room.23:07:47
25 Sep 2023
@_discord_540702045003579398:t2bot.iojonklo2002 changed their display name from jonklo2002 to jonklo2002#0.02:18:39
@_discord_540702045003579398:t2bot.iojonklo2002 changed their display name from jonklo2002#0 to jonklo2002.02:18:40
@_discord_643848450886205441:t2bot.iorainzm joined the room.02:20:39

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