
neorg suggestions

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6 Oct 2023
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from ntbbloodbath to ntbbloodbath#0.01:57:23
@_discord_1097686038425649273:t2bot.ioq_zhang joined the room.08:41:19
@_discord_1087862239047995484:t2bot.ioomerxx joined the room.16:31:14
@_discord_699523580479930370:t2bot.ioNight king 👑 🛡 joined the room.16:59:43
@_discord_991368006435344444:t2bot.iospencersch joined the room.19:44:26
@_discord_302462304572801025:t2bot.iodipasowalk joined the room.21:31:51
7 Oct 2023
@_discord_195355900762914816:t2bot.ioxelphif#0 joined the room.03:03:35
@_discord_826794689503952896:t2bot.iodip da balls with h2so4 changed their profile picture.05:55:33
@_discord_699523580479930370:t2bot.ioNight king 👑 🛡 i came from obsidian to vimwiki and now neorg and one suggestion i hope the neorg had is saving file contnent after returning back with C-o 06:48:48
@_discord_176310746160955399:t2bot.iotheearthhaha joined the room.07:30:14
@_discord_407319071055544342:t2bot.ionicomellon joined the room.10:23:27
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 so if you go to a file, edit it and then return to a different one you want it to be saved? 15:36:17
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 should be easily doable with a keymapping or autocommand 15:36:19
8 Oct 2023
@_discord_699523580479930370:t2bot.ioNight king 👑 🛡 yeah 08:06:50
@_discord_699523580479930370:t2bot.ioNight king 👑 🛡 new to lua and neovim any way i can do that ? 08:07:03
@_discord_643848450886205441:t2bot.iorainzm changed their display name from rainzm to rainzm#0.08:24:30
@_discord_643848450886205441:t2bot.iorainzm changed their display name from rainzm#0 to rainzm.08:24:33
@_discord_275274072383029249:t2bot.ioreym9 joined the room.13:03:34
@_discord_190823223410163712:t2bot.ioPapa Megamind#1420 changed their display name from Papa Megamind to papamegamind#0.13:21:11
@_discord_190823223410163712:t2bot.ioPapa Megamind#1420 changed their display name from papamegamind#0 to Papa Megamind.13:21:14
@_discord_1110645214911156235:t2bot.ioillu3001 changed their display name from desastroes to illu3001#0.14:47:44
@_discord_1110645214911156235:t2bot.ioillu3001 changed their display name from illu3001#0 to illu3001.14:47:48
9 Oct 2023
@_discord_220113649870569473:t2bot.iobandithedoge#7040 changed their profile picture.18:51:57
@_discord_388454513058643979:t2bot.ioodetowarrior joined the room.23:54:48
10 Oct 2023
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 joined the room.15:40:57
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their display name from ntbbloodbath#0 to Alejandro.06:19:48
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III 06:43:24
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III 06:48:52
@_discord_190823223410163712:t2bot.ioPapa Megamind#1420 06:51:31
@_discord_190823223410163712:t2bot.ioPapa Megamind#1420 06:51:34

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