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2 Aug 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> purging RAM22:22:35
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> aaaaaaaaaah, like memcached22:23:01
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> it stores the whole "database" on RAM22:23:11
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Interesting.22:23:22
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Is there any other advantage, KV over just OP_RETURN?22:23:42
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> it just adds a KV layer22:24:18
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> if you consider having KV layer an advantage, then it is22:24:53
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> I'm thinking of possible use cases and integrations.22:25:46
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Could it be possible to write a client implementation that interacts with the system through an explorer, for example?22:26:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> So that the nodes will have full access to the data, but you could feed data to the network through this client that communicates through an explorer, for example?22:27:01
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> (pushing tx'a)22:27:23
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> (pushing tx's)22:27:26
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> seems possible, it would be like SPV server for data22:27:40
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> hummmmmmm, interesting22:27:50
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridgeRedacted or Malformed Event22:30:04
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> It's right, the documentation says that the data expires, not that it deletes anything.22:32:15
3 Aug 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Mylo(KomodoPioneers)> @Emmanuel like NNs could write blockhashes in KV by their id or something, e.g komodopioneers_SH is [37] so maybe [37_BTC,0349asd9hfisnfiuasnfiuheiufhsiudf] ? and every NN did that, then we could all read KV. Or every NN could put block hash of stuff. And exchanges could sync KV and check against notary network 🤷 rather than the web api00:12:28
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> @Mylo(KomodoPioneers) I have thought of a new iguana, a different implementation using KV only instead of the p2p protocol. Are you talking about that? I think that jl777 already said that it needs to be fast, that's why p2p and not KV or any other method.00:19:49
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Mylo(KomodoPioneers)> no not an iguana replacement. more like a p2p log00:20:41
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> nice00:20:46
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Mylo(KomodoPioneers)> instead of this ``` curl -s https://komodostats.com/api/notary/summary.json | jq '.[] | select(.ac_name =="CHIPS") | .blockhash' ``` look up KV. no single point of failure (web api)00:21:41
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> for what purpose?00:22:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Mylo(KomodoPioneers)> NN to check. Exchanges to check they aren't on fork, time their batch payments after ntz00:22:44
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> For assetchains?00:23:11
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Mylo(KomodoPioneers)> yeah or any chains that nota to kmd, like GAME00:23:28
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Yes, I like the idea. We've discussed this in the past. As an alternative to the built-in rollback method.00:28:05
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> If we can rollback from command line, then an external module could do validations (might be http requests, KV requests, looking up at an insight explorer, connecting to SPV server, etc.) to check for that "log" and verify if a roll-back is required.00:29:46
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <CryptoVortek> can we add a #heat section becasue they are about to release alot of services..01:39:55
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <CryptoVortek> I will post up to date news there as it happens01:40:09
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <BlackJesus> @CryptoVortek heat as in the heatdex people?03:27:36

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