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13 Jul 2020
@strongboy87:matrix.orgstrongboy87 joined the room.23:52:36
16 Jul 2020
@raphael:hackerspaces.beraphael 07:10:54
15 Jul 2020
@neog:matrix.orgneog joined the room.11:34:16
@kmuteo:matrix.orgkmuteo changed their profile picture.21:57:59
@kmuteo:matrix.orgkmuteo changed their display name from whodundidit to Cpt. Big Dick Magoo.21:58:18
16 Jul 2020
@sesmet:matrix.orgsesmet joined the room.20:19:23
@dominic_carducci:matrix.org@dominic_carducci:matrix.org joined the room.23:44:11
17 Jul 2020
@dominic_carducci:matrix.org@dominic_carducci:matrix.org left the room.00:51:19
@dominic12:matrix.org@dominic12:matrix.org joined the room.01:15:43
18 Jul 2020
@elegrant:matrix.org@elegrant:matrix.org changed their profile picture.13:38:08
19 Jul 2020
@xuramaz:matrix.org@xuramaz:matrix.org joined the room.01:01:05
20 Jul 2020
@vigneshraja:disroot.org@vigneshraja:disroot.org left the room.04:41:18
@enter_cat:matrix.org@enter_cat:matrix.org joined the room.08:12:41
@j0ma:chat.weho.st@j0ma:chat.weho.st left the room.22:23:18
21 Jul 2020
@trocse:matrix.org@trocse:matrix.org joined the room.10:43:22
25 Jul 2020
@paul:perthchat.org@paul:perthchat.org joined the room.22:43:17
21 Jul 2020
@trocse:matrix.org@trocse:matrix.org left the room.11:13:31
26 Jul 2020
@paul:perthchat.org@paul:perthchat.org 08:48:19
22 Jul 2020
@franko193:matrix.orgfranko193hey, anyone here use discord?00:46:26
23 Jul 2020
@cccra:tchncs.de@cccra:tchncs.de joined the room.21:32:48
25 Jul 2020
@groworker:matrix.orggroworker joined the room.09:49:45
@leo2:matrix.org@leo2:matrix.org joined the room.12:37:53
@leo2:matrix.org@leo2:matrix.org joined the room.19:08:55
26 Jul 2020
@greta:nitro.chatgreta 09:05:15
@xuramaz:matrix.org@xuramaz:matrix.org left the room.19:06:25
31 Jul 2020
@christoph:fairydust.space@christoph:fairydust.space joined the room.23:17:59
26 Jul 2020
@franko193:matrix.orgfranko193Recently read this piece by Zizek: https://www.lacan.com/zizwoman.htm Had some thoughts about this section in particular: ”Man wants to be loved for what he truly is; which is why the archetypal male scenario of the trial of woman's love is that of the prince from a fairy tale who first approaches his beloved under the guise of a poor servant, in order to insure ensurehe woman will fall in love with him for himself, not for his princely title. This, however, is precisely what a woman doesn't want-and is this not yet another confirmation of the fact that woman is more subject than man? A man stupidly believes that, beyond his symbolic title, there is deep in himself some substantial content, some hidden treasure which makes him worthy of love, whereas a woman knows that there is nothing beneath the mask-her strategy is precisely to preserve this 'nothing' of her freedom, out of reach of man's possessive love...” The problem is that what the man is trying to get rid of is the substantial content, not the subject qua appearance. He's trying to remove the titles, which aren't only appearances or appearances of nothing; they mask money, influence, power, all substantial things. So what he's trying to get the beloved to fall in love with is nothing but the pure appearance, the same thing that the woman is said to be trying to keep out of reach. This is total speculation, but maybe a better description of the division would be a woman trying to preserve her nothing/freedom, while a man tries to impose(or universalize) his nothing/freedom. That would still allow for the example that followed about the beer commercial to work. This also makes me think of the disagreements between left/right-libertarians. For right-wingers, freedom is freedom for the individual alone, the freedom to own land, the freedom to have slaves(or indebted workers), while for leftists freedom is a particular notion of freedom, imposed on everyone(oppressing the ancaps). It's what essentially made me think of this illustrative example of the two sexes of freedom having a non-relationship. Free to be forced vs. forced to be free: https://streamable.com/bvgeao21:53:18
1 Aug 2020
@nemesis:utwente.ionemesis joined the room.10:01:43
26 Jul 2020
In reply to@phret:matrix.org
well he clearly articulates gnostic and jewish thinking within philosophical language, which sounds quite like via negativa already. i'd have to look it up then the term theologia apophatike arose. so ... it say we see a beginning of that tradition in philo, maybe. hm. i am looking backwards, not sure if thats historically adaequate. what does the second question aim at?
My second question regards whether Philo engages in theological argument based on reason alone or through divine dogma (or some combination of the two). Natural theology if I have it correctly is separate from revelation.
In reply to @inphovore:matrix.org
Buddha shrugged it off and moved on. I may again be mistaken, though I believe he describes or is depicted in a historonic account of one such voices discussion. They mistook him for someone, didn’t they? Have you heard that reference? It’s been 20 years since I heard that story. Beneath the tree, an inward dialogue.
Hey, can I ask you about this

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