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Main repo: https://github.com/SimulaVR/godot-haskell. Part of https://matrix.to/#/#simulavr-space:matrix.org8 Servers

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19 Feb 2023
@_discord_882997379643609131:t2bot.ionia, ceo of no gender#9969 changed their profile picture.23:10:51
20 Feb 2023
@_discord_226751674356596736:t2bot.ioehllie#0 changed their display name from L.E. to L.E.#0001.09:23:44
21 Feb 2023
@_discord_1077407041078956042:t2bot.iotmsteph joined the room.01:51:13
@_discord_266780466537824258:t2bot.iotmsteph joined the room.01:57:40
23 Feb 2023
@_discord_208199869301522432:t2bot.ioshalokshalom#0 I can actually present a way, how this is potentially done significantly easier

I have explored several options for the F# implementation

We ultimately decided to go the route with source gen to dotnet, which seems obvious, and is also a significant steeper step than before, but I learned a thing or two about potential other candidates
@_discord_208199869301522432:t2bot.ioshalokshalom#0 Considering Haskell can compile to wasm now, and assuming the GC is handled correctly, I can see it running on the GraalVM.

Now, what helps that?
Kotlin has support, and they are pretty far with their implementation.

They are working on it since years, and they implemented it as module.

Graal supports an API to call Haskell/wasm from any other language on the platform, and that includes Kotlin.

The API is unsuitable for programming on it directly, and I think it is suitable to put a layer on top, that abstracts it nicer.

I also thought about a whole bunch of other solutions. But every one of them is even crazier or less maintainable than the Kotlin route.

Eta is sadly not developed anymore.

The wasm plugin for Godot is stuck in 3 and waits for the Rust plugin for 4, and that takes aeons.

Implementing Haskell on GDExtension is obviously possible and probably the most sane approach.

(Honestly, I think implementing any language on GDNative had been a mistake, considering it's bad abstraction level and the obvious need for something else, but it's easy to say that in hindsight)
@_discord_208199869301522432:t2bot.ioshalokshalom#0 * Considering Haskell can compile to wasm now, and assuming the GC is handled correctly, I can see it running on the GraalVM.

Now, what helps that?
Kotlin has support, and they are pretty far with their implementation.

They are working on it since years, and they implemented it as module.

Graal supports an API to call Haskell/wasm from any other language on the platform, and that includes Kotlin.

The API is unsuitable for programming on it directly, and I think it is suitable to put a layer on top, that abstracts it nicer.

I also thought about a whole bunch of other solutions. But every one of them is even crazier or less maintainable than the Kotlin route.

Eta is sadly not developed anymore.

The wasm plugin for Godot is stuck in 3 and waits for the Rust plugin for 4, and that takes aeons.

Implementing Haskell on GDExtension is obviously possible and probably the most sane approach.

(Honestly, I think implementing any language on GDNative had been a mistake, considering it's bad abstraction level and the obvious need for something else, but it's easy to say that in hindsight)
@_discord_208199869301522432:t2bot.ioshalokshalom#0 * Considering Haskell can compile to wasm now, and assuming the GC is handled correctly, I can see it running on the GraalVM.

Now, what helps that?
Kotlin has support, and they are pretty far with their implementation.

They are working on it since years, and they implemented it as module.

Graal supports an API to call Haskell/wasm from any other language on the platform, and that includes Kotlin.

The API is unsuitable for programming on it directly, and I think it is suitable to put a layer on top, that abstracts it nicer.

I also thought about a whole bunch of other solutions. But every one of them is even crazier or less maintainable than the Kotlin route.

Eta is sadly not developed anymore.

The wasm plugin for Godot is stuck in 3 and waits for the Rust plugin for 4, and that takes aeons.

Implementing Haskell on GDExtension is obviously possible and probably the most sane approach.

(Honestly, I think implementing any language on GDNative had been a mistake, considering it's bad abstraction level and the obvious need for something else, but it's easy to say that in hindsight)
@_discord_208199869301522432:t2bot.ioshalokshalom#0 The LLVM runtime of Graal is also an option, I think.

@_discord_131469575719092224:t2bot.ioSadlyItsBradley changed their profile picture.07:25:24
@_discord_572433853663412244:t2bot.iopittstar joined the room.10:12:22
@regina_hallad:matrix.org@regina_hallad:matrix.orgHiya, First off, to have a lucrative income you must first have a lucrative source. Wouldn't you agree? Secondly, once you have the right source, becoming involved with it at a specific time can make all the difference in the world. And thirdly, having ease of operation to access that income is a must! Well, what is on the other side of the link below is without a-doubt a highly worthwhile solution that ticks every box and much more. Check it out with the link below: https://t.me/Stevecoldham001 And start the ball rolling for instant profits and that lucrative income today. This is one boat you will be glad you didn't miss... To your prosperity,12:39:08
25 Feb 2023
@_discord_730463277473202176:t2bot.iokgh joined the room.19:04:03
26 Feb 2023
@_discord_277839161552011265:t2bot.ioYannoux joined the room.14:06:54
1 Mar 2023
@_discord_748976497276092517:t2bot.ioLexiCon1775 joined the room.19:04:45
@_discord_656871171026976770:t2bot.iorecycledspirit#0 joined the room.19:05:42
2 Mar 2023
@_discord_798231873872461915:t2bot.ioveiovis444 joined the room.05:01:44
@_discord_208417279510052864:t2bot.ioFruityWelsh https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/11f3rpj/now_its_official_the_wait_is_over/ 05:18:28
Download bp831kobq4la1.png
@_discord_422780310300917771:t2bot.iodigitalsleep joined the room.07:08:28
@_discord_623376669624893471:t2bot.iosrc291 joined the room.09:06:01
@regina_hallad:matrix.org@regina_hallad:matrix.orgHi ๐Ÿ‘‹ Most people would love to get started online working from home... ...but they don't know what to do or where to start. Here's a simple solution: CLICK HERE to be take to the site which will change your life. ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡ https://t.me/Stevecoldham00114:01:12
@_discord_138286911218384896:t2bot.ioPhilpax (#1) kanetw ๐Ÿงน 14:03:05
@_discord_305847762430328833:t2bot.ioMalek ๐Ÿ˜” 14:03:34
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 Ty 14:40:56
4 Mar 2023
@_discord_1077099426641879100:t2bot.io|โ€ขItxCookieโ€ข| joined the room.16:33:22
@_discord_381876287062409216:t2bot.iov.o.o.d.o.o. / Erik joined the room.17:11:48
5 Mar 2023
@_discord_246275968379912192:t2bot.ioGilbert joined the room.18:48:48
6 Mar 2023
@_discord_926631614409244743:t2bot.ioJazzy joined the room.16:58:08
7 Mar 2023
@_discord_1080578109239201844:t2bot.ioDZlKl joined the room.05:23:12

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