
Open.HD users

1033 Members
https://github.com/OpenHD/Open.HD | Category:Communications |Room Id: https://matrix.to/#/#openhdmx:matrix.org | telegram group: t.me/OpenHD_HDFPV |3 Servers

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2 Feb 2023
@royills:matrix.orgroyills joined the room.18:06:51
8 Feb 2023
@grosfun81:matrix.org@grosfun81:matrix.org joined the room.07:28:17
@grosfun81:matrix.org@grosfun81:matrix.org left the room.07:28:37
9 Feb 2023
@llonrr:matrix.orgMonHk joined the room.06:05:03
11 Feb 2023
@garyalvarez:matrix.org@garyalvarez:matrix.org joined the room.11:39:27
12 Feb 2023
@saysaywhat:matrix.orgsaysaywhat joined the room.12:50:40
15 Feb 2023
@kenzie_jonn:matrix.org@kenzie_jonn:matrix.org joined the room.14:54:27
@garyalvarez:matrix.org@garyalvarez:matrix.org left the room.15:43:50
@kenzie_jonn:matrix.org@kenzie_jonn:matrix.org left the room.15:59:31
@gray_philip:matrix.org@gray_philip:matrix.orgHiya 👋 Have you seen the many ways you can earn Bitcoin daily? Well, I have found something else to earn Bitcoin everyday. (This site is very renowned and the payouts are very prompt) Its Best Binary FX  (This is hugely popular) 👇👇👇 https://t.me/Stevecoldham00116:10:18
@gray_philip:matrix.org@gray_philip:matrix.org left the room.17:13:57
16 Feb 2023
@thatvillagerguy:matrix.org@thatvillagerguy:matrix.org @peterx @pilotnbr1 could you ban those scammers and delete the messages? (you are the two accounts with privileges I found) 01:25:43
17 Feb 2023
@justinestrada:matrix.orgjustinestrada joined the room.04:28:54
23 Feb 2023
@mikegre:matrix.org@mikegre:matrix.org joined the room.09:31:03
@mikegre:matrix.org@mikegre:matrix.org left the room.10:46:51
6 Mar 2023
@dna91:matrix.org@dna91:matrix.org left the room.17:39:59
12 Mar 2023
@zipzip123:matrix.org@zipzip123:matrix.org joined the room.10:13:52
14 Mar 2023
@zipzip123:matrix.org@zipzip123:matrix.org left the room.02:58:54
@walll:matrix.org@walll:matrix.org joined the room.23:35:56
@walll:matrix.org@walll:matrix.org left the room.23:37:31
15 Mar 2023
@joelmedina:matrix.org@joelmedina:matrix.org joined the room.16:08:42
@joelmedina:matrix.org@joelmedina:matrix.org left the room.16:21:43
17 Mar 2023
@sketch7:matrix.org@sketch7:matrix.org joined the room.03:00:16
@sketch7:matrix.org@sketch7:matrix.org left the room.03:00:35
@stevejobs77:matrix.org@stevejobs77:matrix.org joined the room.07:20:24
@stevejobs77:matrix.org@stevejobs77:matrix.org left the room.07:20:54
@telegram_1087802075:t2bot.ioДмитрий Скважинный Чистка, Ремонт, Телеинспекция changed their profile picture.22:29:56
21 Mar 2023
@telegram_478764802:t2bot.ioBoubou changed their display name from Hoveringrock to Boubou.23:29:32
@telegram_478764802:t2bot.ioBoubou changed their profile picture.23:29:32
22 Mar 2023
@_neb_github_=40pay182=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@pay182:matrix.org] (deprecated) changed their display name from Github [@pay182:matrix.org] to Github [@pay182:matrix.org] (deprecated).18:52:42

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