

322 Members
Agriculture5 Servers

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5 Oct 2021
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the history visibility to "world_readable".04:49:33
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the room name to "Agriculture".04:49:33
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set the room topic to "Agriculture".04:49:34
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce set a profile picture.06:35:43
6 Oct 2021
@phillipdecommines:matrix.orgphillipdecommines joined the room.12:29:38
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichueman joined the room.15:00:07
21 Oct 2021
@phoenix_ikarian:matrix.org@phoenix_ikarian joined the room.06:40:23
22 Oct 2021
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichuemanI'm going to attach this document here for anyone to read be interested to join with us. This is a project for all of humanity. 16:31:10
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichuemanDownload SynAetheric Farms JSC.pdf16:31:11
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichuemanTell me what you guys think about this, and if you'd like to make suggestions and guide or join us , you are MOST welcome. We just incorporated an entity in Rossiya(in the Altai mountains) , plus bought a land of almost 33 acres (16 hectares) in the pristine land with Chernozem soil and Deciduous Taiga Forests in the southern end of the land. There is Aurium in the land as well, used to be mining before the times of the Revolution and after, since the 80's or so mining was banned. We can think of other ways to utilize the Aurium without mining it, like subtle level radiative forces to create harmony in terms of charging water, and directing the life force within the place. We are looking at constructing an earthwork of a Charles De Labryinth geometry above where the Aurium deposits rest and concentrate the IR from the Sun and other subtle forces to charge the imploded water from the Triploder/Ultraimploder and funnel it through the rest of the land to irrigate the Polyculture biome. Like an Old World Farm , like you see in the Versailles or Mysore Palace. Those intricate geometries you see in those Palaces are electrically/ionically charged edible crops/fruits/vegetables to feed the population, now it's repurposed into gardens ; but back then those bio-geometries were used to syntropically nurture the life force of the highest potential of the genetic sperm to reach it's pinnacle for the satiation of humans. Employment of 3 kWH Earth Batteries, Solar , TriboPiezoelectricity/from the Snow/hail + Tree-electricity + Telluric current /Telluric Radio + Bio fuel compost with the addition of a blockchain controlled IOT to automate certain tasks and qualitative monitoring of data/metrics with respect to plant - soil utilizing Bio field instruments like Korotkov's GDV Sputnik + Bio geometry + Vaasthu architecture + biocrystalline materials for fractility. Soon we will try to replicate the Paulson's and others Aetheric Generation of Atmospheric electricity. ⚜️ 16:50:18
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichueman aetherforce: phillipdecommines @phoenix_ikarian 16:51:15
@wizardironwood:matrix.orgwizardironwood joined the room.17:06:09
23 Oct 2021
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichuemanIf anyone has anything to see , I would love to know. 06:11:24
@gnostichueman:matrix.orggnostichueman * If anyone has anything to say , I would love to know. 06:11:32

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