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7 Jan 2022
@_discord_661085584432824340:t2bot.ioCorithians joined the room.15:54:10
8 Jan 2022
@_discord_867872225645690950:t2bot.ioDIE#7765 changed their display name from Speck oF dust#9596 to Amar#9596.13:09:28
@_discord_867872225645690950:t2bot.ioDIE#7765 changed their profile picture.13:09:35
10 Jan 2022
@_discord_652531494002229278:t2bot.ioDarkMode joined the room.10:06:30
11 Jan 2022
@_discord_435953090940633118:t2bot.ioBingChillin9 joined the room.11:12:49
12 Jan 2022
@_discord_652605458347065385:t2bot.ioPneuma joined the room.18:21:22
13 Jan 2022
@aetherforce:matrix.orgaetherforce invited @alkemix:matrix.org@alkemix:matrix.org.21:30:20
14 Jan 2022
@_discord_908316220334411789:t2bot.iolegion joined the room.18:42:12
@_discord_506834058928586991:t2bot.ioLittleDrop joined the room.20:23:06
@_discord_931677750169829406:t2bot.ioLongo joined the room.23:12:10
15 Jan 2022
@_discord_826928029095034921:t2bot.iokite joined the room.04:51:07
@_discord_931881794645663796:t2bot.ioBeeman joined the room.12:08:27
16 Jan 2022
@_discord_745020647046119516:t2bot.ioTSJ joined the room.02:34:39
@_discord_431888893986471937:t2bot.iok12345k12345 joined the room.05:29:27
@_discord_932208140777295892:t2bot.ioMatters joined the room.09:42:37
@_discord_790511938986573835:t2bot.ioMatters#3863 joined the room.09:44:58
17 Jan 2022
@_discord_311096132778459137:t2bot.ioאן מארי גולדברג joined the room.11:51:51
@_discord_506834058928586991:t2bot.ioLittleDrop changed their display name from LittleDrop to LittleDrop#4022.15:24:06
@_discord_506834058928586991:t2bot.ioLittleDrop changed their display name from LittleDrop#4022 to LittleDrop.15:24:26
20 Jan 2022
@_discord_611182450428608516:t2bot.iobstigs1980 joined the room.06:18:20
@_discord_246445667617210369:t2bot.ioDaarkblood#8592 joined the room.10:43:48
@_discord_933761252285644900:t2bot.ioGadaMace Warrior joined the room.16:39:23
23 Jan 2022
@_discord_934592944768438282:t2bot.ioWalker joined the room.01:49:59
@_discord_334020250779779072:t2bot.ioZaimek joined the room.22:42:49
24 Jan 2022
@_discord_899133641999921253:t2bot.ioDario R. joined the room.03:47:11
@_discord_838844297213902939:t2bot.iokyg joined the room.21:34:55
26 Jan 2022
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw joined the room.13:22:59
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw On eating meat: 13:23:00
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw ,,See this is actually disinformation that is found quite often within the false light new age scene.

Eating meat has no real karmic consequence, this is a lie generated by the dark side to keep the Light side weak by playing to their compassion. Eating meat is equal to eating plants, and sometimes eating plants can be worse.

Our entire reality is built upon things consuming others to survive. At no point will you find a creature that survives on Love and Light alone. Everything has to kill something else to consume if it wishes to live. This is a fundamental law of nature. To believe otherwise goes against all of existence.

Karma itself is a trick as well, but I'll get into that in a moment.

As I've mentioned before everything is composed of energy, and when you eat something you are consuming its energy. You may have heard the saying, "You are what you eat." This is true.

Now all your food has a energy vibration you could say, and when you eat your food you add this energy into your own energy body. The vibration is mostly determined by the state of the spirit consciousness of your food when it died.

If you have ever gone hunting, you will often hear that the longer an animal suffers the worse the meat tastes. This is because if you fail to make a clean kill, the animal itself will suffer and its vibration will lower, and the vibrational state of the animal when it dies will be the vibrational state of the meat. This is also the same in plants as well though.

So eating the slaughterhouse meat of animals that were raised in suffering is indeed something that will cause a negative impact to your overall energy vibration when you consume it. But that is because the animal suffered, not simply because you ate the meat.
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw Now take the ways of the Native Americans who were possibly the people closest to nature in our current age, who also ate a lot of meat. They viewed hunting to be a spiritual act as much as a physical act. This is because if you are going to eat meat, you should pray or ask the Great Spirit for the meat and permission for the kill before taking it. By consulting with Spirit before and while hunting, the spirit of reality itself will supply you with the food you need and offer itself to nourish you.

This very act is also shown in the movie Avatar, when Jake Sully is taught to hunt, he is shown to ask the Spirit for permission and then says a prayer for the game he hunted when he kills it.

This is what the prayer for your meals was originally about. To thank it for its sacrifice and for nourishing you. To bless the food and raise its vibration. As the prayer before meals disappeared so did the wisdom of why it was said. Our reality matrix(Spirit) wishes to take care of us, its up to us to thank it and help it do so.

The way of hunting is also about making a clean kill. When a clean kill is made there is very little time for negative energy to build up, and the meat will have a positive vibration when you eat it. Its only when the animal suffers that the meat begins to grow negative.

So you could say homegrown organic meat can actually have a positive effect on your energy body. All depends on how the animals are raised and how they are slaughtered. This was once known and there was an effort made to make sure that animal didn't suffer and didn't see their death's coming, while also happening quickly, so there was no time for suffering to cause negative energy to build within the meat.

Now this rule doesn't just apply to meat, it applies to plants as well.

In fact many of the plant based foods you get at the store could possibly have a lower vibration than your meat does.

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