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26 Jan 2022
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw This is because all plants are just as conscious as animals, the same spirit that flows through us and animals flows through them. Modern science has found that plants feel and react to pain, they even scream at a high pitch humans can't hear when injured. 13:24:19
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw Plants are far more like us than many would care to acknowledge.

Now what many don't acknowledge is that many plants are tortured in a sense in order to get them to fruit faster and produce larger fruits.

Plants will often be trimmed and chopped up in order to get the plants to push more nutrients and energy into its fruit.

When plants are raised this way they also will fill with negative energy and the fruits they produce will be of a low vibration.

Many people are too worried about virtue signaling with the Vegan or Vegetarian diets than to worry about whether their plant foods actually suffered in any way.

Taking this into effect, what if I told you that mowing your lawn had more effect on your overall karma that killing an animal?

So anyways getting to the point of the meat vs vegan energetic argument, it all depends on the vibration of your food, not what type it is. Eating a chicken that was cared for and was loved while it was alive can actually raise your vibration, while eating fruit off a plant that was constantly cut on and tortured most of its life will actually lower your vibration.
@_discord_473127091001491476:t2bot.ioElw Sadly most of the fruit and vegetables you find in grocery stores nowadays aren't any higher vibration that the meats they sell as well.

At the same time, this also leads credit to the tales of how giving love to plants and singing to them increases their yields and produces better tasting fruits and vegetables. Plants are living beings and operate on the same spirit consciousness that we do, when you show them love, they will love you back and produce fruit that is full of love.''
27 Jan 2022
@_discord_394091401094234113:t2bot.io08.21.8001 joined the room.20:48:47
29 Jan 2022
@_discord_717561354453778502:t2bot.ioSSJGOKU47 joined the room.02:25:30
@_discord_860943765674000404:t2bot.ioLoganR joined the room.13:02:22
31 Jan 2022
@_discord_831562534095552572:t2bot.ioTennie joined the room.04:49:07
@_discord_800932670284496927:t2bot.ioKidd Enlightened changed their display name from Louie to Kidd Enlightened#1912.11:21:53
@_discord_800932670284496927:t2bot.ioKidd Enlightened set a profile picture.11:22:07
@_discord_800932670284496927:t2bot.ioKidd Enlightened changed their display name from Kidd Enlightened#1912 to Kidd Enlightened.11:22:15
1 Feb 2022
@_discord_938054770319577098:t2bot.ioLady Gur joined the room.14:49:48
2 Feb 2022
@_discord_938067677254131783:t2bot.iodemon lord anus joined the room.18:31:01
3 Feb 2022
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their display name from STEAK to STEAK#4791.03:18:52
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their display name from STEAK#4791 to STEAK.03:19:01
@_discord_901846440047947897:t2bot.iocrxnx joined the room.15:54:45
4 Feb 2022
@_discord_690267617956462882:t2bot.iognostic_hueman#0505 joined the room.07:24:36
@_discord_690267617956462882:t2bot.iognostic_hueman#0505 I am in contact with Yannick, as he's supplying us with the Phil Callahan Soil Meter for the project. 07:24:36
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Thats awesome!!! 14:22:49
5 Feb 2022
@_discord_203972441343524874:t2bot.ioWanderstar joined the room.05:04:14
6 Feb 2022
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their display name from STEAK to STEAK#4791.04:52:25
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their display name from STEAK#4791 to STEAK.04:53:23
@_discord_939751837542789131:t2bot.iogypsy witch joined the room.05:22:06
9 Feb 2022
@_discord_899133975094759474:t2bot.io```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3``` joined the room.10:09:34
12 Feb 2022
@_discord_830047223592517662:t2bot.ionftplug joined the room.03:30:10
@_discord_652531494002229278:t2bot.ioDarkMode changed their display name from DarkMode to DarkMode#0528.05:16:48
@_discord_652531494002229278:t2bot.ioDarkMode changed their display name from DarkMode#0528 to DarkMode.05:16:57
@_discord_901512306259795978:t2bot.iosol-universe joined the room.07:16:14
@_discord_755786708481605712:t2bot.ioLorenzo Giacomini joined the room.08:58:09
@_discord_519653963297980420:t2bot.iobitgeek joined the room.23:27:02
13 Feb 2022
@_discord_890021222572765206:t2bot.ioL¥RĀΣN ¢RYÆST joined the room.07:07:58

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