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3 Mar 2022
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK changed their display name from STEAK to STEAK#4791.22:42:48
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK changed their display name from STEAK#4791 to STEAK.22:43:10
@longo:matrix.orglongo STEAK: AlmightySoulKing#0704 continued from transhumanism, as this channel probably seems to suit better for this discussion.
Iv'e found that its totally possible to create a self sufficient commune, if you are familiar with like minded people in your community, not just morally but spiritually aware as well. You learn how to rely on each other in anyways you can, splitting tasks between each other. It takes alot of work but its more than worth it. Research is a must, and knowledge of local landscapes to try and find a suitable place
@loraks:branchdruidian.netlorakswho's talkin communes23:51:33
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi'm in23:51:34
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi think agricultural communes are a potential path forward23:51:57
@longo:matrix.orglongo convo was started in #fuahriman:matrix.org. I agree change for the better not only starts with the individual but the community is a must. 23:53:34
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi currently live on my family farmstead in south dakota, i would like it to be an agricultural community eventually23:53:49
@longo:matrix.orglongothats awesome! I'm currently building my own, working on gardens, blacksmithy, bees among other things. Looking for land off grid somewhere23:56:21
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi read a bit of the backlog, it seemed to disappear after a while23:56:25
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksit's hard alone23:56:37
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksand i've been having some slowdowns with health23:56:51
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi'm stuck in the chicken and egg of "if you build it they will come" and "i can't build it alone" lol23:57:09
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi do have a friend helping me garden this year so that's cool23:57:48
@longo:matrix.orglongoIm sorry to hear that, it is hard alone. Im literally building mine as cheaply as possible23:57:57
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksbut that's just a gardening friend not a commune friend23:57:59
@longo:matrix.orglongobuilding it from trash essentially23:58:17
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi am very low budget also23:58:28
@longo:matrix.orglongoIve got big plans just not money to do it lol23:58:31
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksbig same23:58:38
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi'm itching hard to garden23:59:04
@longo:matrix.orglongome too23:59:09
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksspring is just around the corner23:59:10
@longo:matrix.orglongowinter is long and harsh around here23:59:22
@loraks:branchdruidian.netlorakshere also, i live in south dakota.23:59:58
4 Mar 2022
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi have been frozen off in the second week of september and in the third week of may00:00:10
@longo:matrix.orglongoyea me too im in eastern canada00:00:31
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi love winter though, i wouldn't have it any other way00:00:36
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksall things in their time00:00:54

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