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Agriculture5 Servers

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4 Mar 2022
@longo:matrix.orglongooh yes likewise00:00:57
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksdo you hunt? is there enough game to ethically hunt there?00:01:15
@longo:matrix.orglongoIm a vegetarian, but yes there is lots of game here, moose, rabbits, grouse, bear. Lots of wild berries and other wild edibles to forage for. Although I do have cats so Ill sometimes fish for them. 00:03:37
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi totally respect that fam, i was a vegetarian for some time when i moved out of my parents house but i had to start eating animal products because of crohn's00:04:17
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi love foraging wild fruit00:04:27
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksthere isn't as much variety right where i am but there are chokecherries and plums and grapes mostly. but the mountains west or the forests east are loaded and i travel to forage a couple times a year00:05:27
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi think the animal agriculture system we have now is totally fucked and i'm glad i was able to move out to a place where i can hunt deer00:06:32
@loraks:branchdruidian.netloraksi process it all myself, and my dog eats everything i don't00:06:43
@loraks:branchdruidian.netlorakssome of the bones she doesn't and those go to the garden00:06:52
@longo:matrix.orglongome too, theres nothing I love more than going out looking for some good food in the woods. Weve got edible mushrooms, most of our plants can be eaten in some way. we have a growing number of people turning to bioavailable homesteading, we can get all natural beef or milk or chickens from really close by. 00:09:13
@longo:matrix.orglongoI can also get things like wool and local salt as well. Where I live were all kind of close knit its got all the small town problems but we typically rely on each other even if we dont agree on anything00:11:36
@longo:matrix.orglongobut to really start a commune you need open minded people00:11:54
@loraks:branchdruidian.netlorakswilling to tolerate some differences00:12:09
@longo:matrix.orglongoof course 00:12:35
@lzyka:matrix.orgleopold zyka joined the room.14:59:04
@lzyka:matrix.orgleopold zykaagric14:59:53
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 Haha same here that is a conundrum for sure 22:44:48
@_discord_568705803369054230:t2bot.iostigma joined the room.23:24:44
5 Mar 2022
@himanshu_jangid:matrix.org@himanshu_jangid:matrix.org joined the room.02:23:47
@himanshu_jangid:matrix.org@himanshu_jangid:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:29:00
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Well... The reason behind preferring plants over meat is very much yogic. Here:
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Who'd come? The elites?? So you think they'll try to stop your schemes. Don't listen to them. 16:10:16
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul In order to resist them, we need force fields that can deflect even nuclear missiles back at them. We've the knowledge, remember. Just only need to apply it to the fullest potential. 16:11:22
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Is this the land? 😅 16:12:04
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Looks so much like an Arctic Tundra wasteland.. ☚ī¸ 16:12:48
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul It's the base foundation of any commune, sir.. 16:13:31
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul More like "authentically spiritual" peeps who'll harmonize the different perspectives into unity rather than disintegrating everything...😓 16:15:37
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul * It's the prerequisite and base foundation of any self-sufficient commune, sir.. 16:16:04

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