

3 Members
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4 Jun 2022
@Landofclouds:matrix.org@Landofclouds:matrix.org left the room.10:29:09
27 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.02:55:06
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.02:55:39
7 Jul 2022
@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.de@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.de joined the room.18:51:13

Hello, I'm a Telegram bridge bot.

Use !tg help for help.


Telegram message relay bot is active: TUCH Matrix Bridge (ID 1606704083)

To use the bot, simply invite it to a portal room.


You're not logged in.


This is not a portal room.


Usage: !tg bridge <Telegram chat ID> [Matrix room ID]


That Telegram chat already has a portal at !DkekHmZsssoYfSoOLF:tuch.tu-clausthal.de. However, you have the permissions to unbridge that room.

To delete that portal completely and continue bridging, use !tg delete-and-continue. To unbridge the portal without kicking Matrix users, use !tg unbridge-and-continue. To cancel, use !tg cancel


Cleaning up previous portal room...


Bridging complete. Portal synchronization should begin momentarily.


This is not a management room: you must prefix commands with !tg.


cancel - Cancel an ongoing action.
version - Get the bridge version.
help - Show this help message.


ping - Check if you're logged into Telegram.
ping-bot - Get the info of the message relay Telegram bot.
logout - Log out from Telegram.

Creating portals

bridge [id] - Bridge the current Matrix room to the Telegram chat with the given ID. The ID must be the prefixed version that you get with the /id command of the Telegram-side bot.

Portal management

delete-portal - Remove all users from the current portal room and forget the portal. Only works for group chats; to delete a private chat portal, simply leave the room.
unbridge - Remove puppets from the current portal room and forget the portal.
config <help|subcommand> [...] - View or change per-portal settings.


sync-state - Fetch Matrix room state to ensure the bridge has up-to-date info.
id - Get the ID of the Telegram chat where this room is bridged.
caption <caption> - Set a caption for the next image you send


set-pl <level> [mxid] - Set a temporary power level without affecting the remote platform.
set-avatar <mxc:// uri> [mxid] - Set an avatar for a ghost user.
remove-avatar [mxid] - Remove the avatar for a ghost user.
set-displayname <displayname> [mxid] - Set the display name for a ghost user.
remove-displayname [mxid] - Remove the display name for a ghost user.
discard-megolm-session - Reset the bridge's megolm session in this room
open-manhole <uid...> - Open a manhole into the bridge.
close-manhole - Close an open manhole.
clear-db-cache <portal|puppet|user> - Clear internal bridge caches
reload-user [mxid] - Reload and reconnect a user


That Telegram chat already has a portal at #tuch:matrix.org. However, you have the permissions to unbridge that room.

To delete that portal completely and continue bridging, use !tg delete-and-continue. To unbridge the portal without kicking Matrix users, use !tg unbridge-and-continue. To cancel, use !tg cancel


Room bridging cancelled.


No ongoing command.

@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.de@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.dechanged room power levels.18:51:17

I don't seem to have permission to update power levels: You don't have permission to remove ops level equal to your own


I don't seem to have permission to update power levels: You don't have permission to remove ops level equal to your own


This is not a portal room.


I don't seem to have permission to update power levels: You don't have permission to remove ops level equal to your own


I don't seem to have permission to update power levels: You don't have permission to remove ops level equal to your own


Usage: !tg bridge <Telegram chat ID> [Matrix room ID]


Usage: !tg set-pl <level> [mxid]


Failed to update power levels (see logs for more details)

@autumnal:matrix.org@autumnal:matrix.org left the room.18:51:22
@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.de@telegrambot:tuch.tu-clausthal.de left the room.18:51:22
24 Aug 2022
@bookerbtc:matrix.org@bookerbtc:matrix.org joined the room.10:10:29
@bookerbtc:matrix.org@bookerbtc:matrix.org left the room.13:13:27
15 May 2023
@glownigger:matrix.freyachat.euglownigger joined the room.05:15:12

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