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24 May 2022
In reply to @clokep:matrix.org
(I really need a mapping between GitHub and MXIDs. ☚ī¸ )
@deepbluev7 on github is @deepbluev7:neko.dev, aka Nico, the maintainer of Nheko. He's not yet joined the new #synapse-dev.
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepThank you!17:04:45
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepI was pretty sure but didn't want to bing random people.17:04:57
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'At some point, the cache eviction metrics started storing the reason for eviction. Is that in our recommended Grafana dashboard and if it is, maybe that would give us a clue?17:06:06
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'seems like it is17:06:34
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'(https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/commit/a10988983a1cd145fc5ae57c9a00ea95fbaece61)17:06:43
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepSee https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/1285917:07:24
In reply to @clokep:matrix.org
I think it is waiting for the author to pick back up, but I can do the work if needed.
another question on this: if you have work that depends on #11804, does that mean you've tried out #11804? One of my concerns is that maybe nobody other than nico has tried it, so if you have, that would be good information
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubhttps://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/11804 : Implementation for MSC3664: Pushrules for relations17:08:09
In reply to @richvdh:sw1v.org
another question on this: if you have work that depends on #11804, does that mean you've tried out #11804? One of my concerns is that maybe nobody other than nico has tried it, so if you have, that would be good information
I have not tried it. I looked at the implementation a long time ago and it seemed reasonable.
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubhttps://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/11804 : Implementation for MSC3664: Pushrules for relations17:08:38
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdhthe trouble with push rules is that the server-side impl always seems reasonable17:09:08
In reply to @reivilibre.element:librepush.net
At some point, the cache eviction metrics started storing the reason for eviction. Is that in our recommended Grafana dashboard and if it is, maybe that would give us a clue?
it says (size)
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdhit's when it starts integrating with clients that the wheels fall off17:09:18
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepHm, alright. ☚ī¸ 17:12:17
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepI will give it a try then...and poke Nico about whether they plan to update that or not.17:12:44
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepI imagine at least fixing the conflicts is easy enough.17:12:51
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
it says (size)
hmm, I don't have any futher ideas at the moment though :|
@tulir:maunium.nettulirhmm, maybe there's something wrong with the environment variable, seems fine now that I set it via config17:21:24
@madlittlemods:matrix.orgmadlittlemods (Eric Eastwood) joined the room.18:06:34
@fizzadar:beeper.comNick Mills-Barrett Hey all is anyone aware of anything preventing enabling the account/whoami endpoint for workers? I noticed it's not included in the generic worker servelets currently 18:26:29
@fizzadar:beeper.comNick Mills-Barrettlooking through the codepath for the API, it seems like it should be fine (basically just calls out to get auth from req)18:26:55
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) Nick Mills-Barrett: I agree that it's likely to be fine to run on workers. Would you be willing to PR that documentation change? 🙂 18:28:52
@fizzadar:beeper.comNick Mills-Barrett
In reply to @andrewm:element.io
Nick Mills-Barrett: I agree that it's likely to be fine to run on workers. Would you be willing to PR that documentation change? 🙂
Yep absolutely, will get a PR for the enable & doc tomorrow AM
@brad:beeper.comBrad Murray joined the room.18:29:36
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa)Cheers!18:29:39
@clokep:matrix.orgclokepWe usually update the mapping in sytest (and complement) with that change too so that it gets tested. 🙂 18:35:22
@brad:beeper.comBrad Murray
In reply to @richvdh:sw1v.org
another question on this: if you have work that depends on #11804, does that mean you've tried out #11804? One of my concerns is that maybe nobody other than nico has tried it, so if you have, that would be good information
fwiw we're running the original code in production for a couple months with some good success, but that's not the same implementation as the one that got MSC'd and PR'd to synapse
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubhttps://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/11804 : Implementation for MSC3664: Pushrules for relations18:48:05
@brad:beeper.comBrad MurraySo I can speak to the general approach working for our narrow use case (selectively notifying on reactions depending on the author of the original message) but not the code in the PR being bug-free18:49:23

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