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6 Feb 2025
@immibis:c-base.orgimmibisThere are no "boot nodes" - the nodes you configure are the ONLY ones that are used. This is because it's designed to simulate a physical network where you can't automatically plug in cables. If you want an automatically discovering network, try i2p?22:23:26
@immartian2:matrix.orgImI get you, but it's pretty weird analogy, you can't simulate physical network without physical-ness. at least i can plug my cable to a socket which I don't need to know the ip address 22:27:45
@immartian2:matrix.orgImeven along this, many sockets I plug or wifi i connect, lead me to internet ; in the old words, it's called plug-n-play22:29:11
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexanderYou should think of a peering as a “virtual wire”, not a bootstrap node (which we don’t have any concept of)22:40:15
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander An Yggdrasil node only talks to other nodes which it has a virtual wiring to, and if that remote node dies, it’s the same as the wire being unplugged 22:42:19
@immartian2:matrix.orgImif so, I guess I can fully understand why people want to be "wireless" given there's already ether net 23:49:27
@immartian2:matrix.orgImBut please forget my "boot node", it's also an analogy, I think the point is how to make it more useable 23:50:07
7 Feb 2025
@er10:matrix.org@er10:matrix.org joined the room.01:04:51
In reply to @immartian2:matrix.org
I get you, but it's pretty weird analogy, you can't simulate physical network without physical-ness. at least i can plug my cable to a socket which I don't need to know the ip address
You need to know the physical locations. Just as you have many sockets to choose from in your home or office, you have many potential peers to choose from.
In reply to @immartian2:matrix.org
if so, I guess I can fully understand why people want to be "wireless" given there's already ether net
A typical "normie" home or office has only 1 internet peer. This is called an "ISP" (this was a 90s invention). If that peer dies, no more internet.
@immartian2:matrix.orgIm it's strange that I know Ygg long before many guys ever since neilalexander had the first ios test and I have several machines running this. I like it, and I want it to be adopted rather than staying at 5k nodes. 03:52:37
@immartian2:matrix.orgImI understand the creator has no such ambition which is good, but nothing is god-assigned, even old Ham can find each other. 03:54:17
In reply to @stuart:gathman.org
Google actually identified the Intel backdoors in the processors they use, and disabled them. Fascinating youtube videos by google employees.
Cool. Now how do I do this?
@perguth:beeper.comperguthDown for system upgrade: ygg.thingylabs.io07:10:08
In reply to @perguth:beeper.com
Down for system upgrade: ygg.thingylabs.io
Back online.
@perguth:beeper.comperguthNew FW rules, if stuff breaks contact me.07:32:40
@wgos:wgos.orgWGOS For some reason this PR didn't add a node to https://publicpeers.neilalexander.dev/ 10:53:45
@wgos:wgos.orgWGOS it's still tls://ygg-evn-1.wgos.org:443 out there not tls://ygg-evn-1tls.wgos.org:443 10:54:09
In reply to @wgos:wgos.org
For some reason this PR didn't add a node to https://publicpeers.neilalexander.dev/
I will have a look in a while, it should have detected the change automatically but guess something has not been processed correctly
@bxbxx666:matrix.orgbxbxx666 joined the room.10:57:23
@whoami-:matrix.orgwhoami- removed their profile picture.13:48:07
@whoami-:matrix.orgwhoami- set a profile picture.13:50:45
@whoami-:matrix.orgwhoami- changed their profile picture.13:55:47
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander Looks like the reason it wasn't added was because of Error processing tls://ygg-evn-1tls.wgos.org:443 due to error: remote error: tls: internal error 14:47:05
@wgos:wgos.orgWGOShm. I can connect to it without a problem strangely 14:50:48
@wgos:wgos.orgWGOSHow can I try to debug this? Cuz I really can't seem to get what's wrong. I clearly can connect from multiple locations to my node via tls :/17:04:28
@lostmsu:matrix.orglostmsu joined the room.21:32:25
8 Feb 2025
@klausschwab:monero.socialYeezus Christ✝️ (nig/ger) changed their profile picture.03:54:53
@klausschwab:monero.socialYeezus Christ✝️ (nig/ger) changed their display name from Larry Fink (ee/es/gee) to Yeezus Christ(nig/ger).03:55:46
@klausschwab:monero.socialYeezus Christ✝️ (nig/ger) changed their display name from Yeezus Christ(nig/ger) to Yeezus Christ✝️ (nig/ger).04:00:24

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