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Experimental end-to-end encrypted IPv6 overlay network — https://yggdrasil-network.github.io — https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go — English language only, off-topic → #yggdrasil-community:matrix.org268 Servers

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28 Jul 2021
@shadowjonathan:matrix.org[Jonathan] Yeup, that too 20:57:02
@_neb_github_=40neilalexander=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@neilalexander:matrix.org] [yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go] neilalexander opened pull request #822: TLS Server Name Indication [open] - https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 21:25:00
@_neb_github_=40neilalexander=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@neilalexander:matrix.org] [yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go] neilalexander edited pull request #822: TLS Server Name Indication [open] - https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 21:25:07
In reply to @adb:mozilla.org
I am at your disposal to try that
https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 — Here's a branch that you can try
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander It'll set the SNI automatically if the peering URI contains a hostname, but you can also override it by doing tls://a.b.c.d:e?sni=google.com or similar 21:25:52
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander(Since Yggdrasil doesn't care what the SNI is on the receiving end, you could set it to anything I guess, which might fool some naive filters)21:26:19
@ol:infoserver.lvOleg Girko
In reply to @Arceliar:matrix.org
(you probably shouldn't host services on a 300::/8 address, the prefixes were added wit the intent that non-ygg devices could use them to make outbound connections)

This idea of /64 subnet looks fishy to me. Too easy to spoof 48 bits.

Another idea to consider would be using stateful DHCPv6 on a LAN instead of SLAAC. This way proper public keys can be generated on a server when a client requests IPv6 address, so hosts on LAN will have addresses generated the same way as full nodes, but their keys will be located on a full node. From Yggdrasil point of view, these LAN hosts will look like normal nodes connrcted through a real node that has their keys.

@Arceliar:matrix.orgArceliar maybe. the /64 was mostly a hack to make it so i could advertise ygg access to my windows PC and my phone, before ygg had been ported to platforms other than linux 21:38:24
In reply to @neilalexander:matrix.org
https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 — Here's a branch that you can try
yikes! yggdrasil requires go 1.16 or later and what I have is 1.15.6 (and I only have mobile data, can't download it right now)
In reply to @adb:mozilla.org
yikes! yggdrasil requires go 1.16 or later and what I have is 1.15.6 (and I only have mobile data, can't download it right now)
Which OS/architecture are you on?
In reply to @neilalexander:matrix.org
Which OS/architecture are you on?
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexanderDebian or other?21:40:49
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander So you installed using the .deb? 21:41:03
In reply to @neilalexander:matrix.org
So you installed using the .deb?
I don't had it in the pc at all
@adb:mozilla.orgadbwas using it in the phone (my only connection medium is a phone)21:41:38
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander ah, I was going to say you could try this .debfile or this Linux binary (both amd64) 21:42:12
@adb:mozilla.orgadb* I didn't have it in the pc at all21:42:18
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexanderThey are both the SNI build from CI21:42:19
@adb:mozilla.orgadbjust realized my go version in Termux is 1.16.5, will try to compile the branch in my phone21:44:54
@_neb_github_=40neilalexander=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@neilalexander:matrix.org] [yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go] neilalexander ready_for_review pull request #822: TLS Server Name Indication [open] - https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 21:47:30
@_neb_github_=40neilalexander=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@neilalexander:matrix.org] [yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go] neilalexander review_requested pull request #822: TLS Server Name Indication [open] - https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/pull/822 21:47:34
@Arceliar:matrix.orgArceliar if that doesn't work, it probably shouldn't be too difficult to throw together quic:// support. or maybe utp:// (with TLS) 21:49:29
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander Yeah indeed 21:50:48
@ufm:twinkle.lolufmHi, ppl! Please tell me how quickly nodes are added to the list of public peers?21:58:17
@Arceliar:matrix.orgArceliarhttps://github.com/yggdrasil-network/public-peers you can create a pull request21:59:58
@Arceliar:matrix.orgArceliar(sign in to github, navigate to the file you want to edit, and click the "edit" button)22:00:39
@ufm:twinkle.lolufmI create pull request 3 days ago22:00:50
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander Once a PR has been merged it will appear on publicpeers.neilalexander.dev within an hour 22:01:02
@neilalexander:matrix.orgneilalexander Looks like the PRs just haven’t caught anyone’s attention yet 22:01:27

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