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3 May 2024
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * Alexandru Emil Lupu: after debugging, this error happens because the decidim-templates-0.26.10/app/* folders aren’t added to autoload_paths. I haven’t found why sadly (all other Decidim components app/* are present). Thus they aren’t added to eager_load_paths in production neither. But it seems to be working (I didn’t check the whole app) when I switch « config.load_defaults » from 5.2 to 6.0 in config/application.rb (that in my case enables zeitwerk autoloading mode over classic one) 07:51:35
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * Alexandru Emil Lupu: after debugging, this error happens because the decidim-templates-0.26.10/app/* folders aren’t added to autoload_paths. I haven’t found why sadly (all other Decidim components app/* are present). Thus they aren’t added to eager_load_paths in production neither. But it seems to be working (I didn’t check the whole app) when I switch « config.load_defaults » from 5.2 to 6.0 in config/application.rb (that in my case enables zeitwerk autoloading mode over classic one) 07:51:51
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * Alexandru Emil Lupu: after debugging, this error happens because the decidim-templates-0.26.10/app/* folders aren’t added to autoload_paths. I haven’t found why sadly (all other Decidim components app/* are present). Thus they aren’t added to eager_load_paths in production neither. But it seems to be working (I didn’t check the whole app) when I switch config.load_defaults from 5.2 to 6.0 in config/application.rb (that in my case enables zeitwerk autoloading mode over classic one) 07:52:03
6 May 2024
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena Hi everyone! On behalf of the Decidim Maintainers Team, I would like to share the following message:

We want to inform you that there are new releases with some security vulnerabilities fixes, v0.28.1 [0] and v0.27.6 [1]. We strongly recommend that you plan to update your installations accordingly.

As per our Security policy [2], we will publish information about these vulnerabilities on June 30th.

(from the Decidim Maintainers Team)

[0] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/releases/tag/v0.28.1
[1] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/releases/tag/v0.27.6
[2] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/blob/develop/SECURITY.md
@rharana:matrix.orgRafael Harana joined the room.15:54:27
@rharana:matrix.orgRafael HaranaHi guys, I am currently trying to change a decidim instance and i was wondering if there is a simple way to replace the homepage of the instance's hero banner to another banner jpg, (change the park guell image to any image) and from that i can start to discover by myself how to change the rest of things... can someone give a hand? I ask it desperately because it is a job matter :(15:57:10
@popsi:matrix.orgpopsi Hi Rafael! For those types of admin questions I think the Support admins channel is more adapted.
But anyway you can find where to do this here: https://docs.decidim.org/en/develop/admin/homepage.html#_hero_image
In Settings > Homepage > Hero banner content block edition 😃
@popsi:matrix.orgpopsi * Hi Rafael! For those types of admin questions I think the #Support-admins:matrix.org channel is more adapted.
But anyway you can find where to do this here: https://docs.decidim.org/en/develop/admin/homepage.html#_hero_image
In Settings > Homepage > Hero banner content block edition 😃
@popsi:matrix.orgpopsiOf course in order to do this you need an administrator access to the organization16:06:48
@rharana:matrix.orgRafael HaranaIs there any way to do this programatically?16:20:06
@rharana:matrix.orgRafael HaranaAnd thank you, btw16:20:18
@rharana:matrix.orgRafael Haranasorry if i didnt make myself clear: the goal is to change a few lines of code/ adding the image in the instance folder (without passing through the admin or even having any admin) and the image should be changed. I am also intherested in being able to separate those images by tenant16:32:50
9 May 2024
@noopeeks:matrix.orgnoopeeks joined the room.09:50:22
11 May 2024
@piotrsikora:pol.socialPiotr Sikora joined the room.14:23:56
15 May 2024
@samanera:matrix.org@samanera:matrix.org left the room.00:53:08
18 May 2024
@matrix-escape:matrix.orgmatrix-escape joined the room.10:42:29
19 May 2024
@rafal123:matrix.orgrafal123Hi Decidim Developers, I'd like to ask you about AWS installation. There is this old guide here: https://platoniq.github.io/decidim-install/decidim-aws/ . Do you know if all the AWS steps can be configured before actually doing any Ruby on Rails installation or is it rather in such a way that part of Ruby on Rails installation has to be done alonside AWS configuration? Of course I understand that it requires both AWS and Ruby on Rails knowledge and I have some people willing to help with these, the thing is that these are two separate teams. Thank you!19:09:15
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupu
In reply to @rafal123:matrix.org
Hi Decidim Developers, I'd like to ask you about AWS installation. There is this old guide here: https://platoniq.github.io/decidim-install/decidim-aws/ . Do you know if all the AWS steps can be configured before actually doing any Ruby on Rails installation or is it rather in such a way that part of Ruby on Rails installation has to be done alonside AWS configuration? Of course I understand that it requires both AWS and Ruby on Rails knowledge and I have some people willing to help with these, the thing is that these are two separate teams. Thank you!
Hey Rafal, they can be done independently. In the end, you need a server infastructure ( i have cloudfront, s3, Aurora), then depending on your size, you can either have an ELK, or just plain old VMs
21 May 2024
@johnwillson:matrix.orgjohnwillson joined the room.18:56:46
29 May 2024
@richard.heise:matrix.orgRichard HeiseHi there, I would like to ask something: I have just installed a Decidim instance on a cloud computing service. I've just configured it and changed the default_locale and available locales to others. At the moment I want all the platform to be in portuguese, but even though I've changed the default locale both in the rails console and in the admin settings, there are some texts which persist to be in english. Is there a way to modify it?19:32:53
@richard.heise:matrix.orgRichard HeiseEven if it's hardcoded I can try and modify it if I know where it is19:33:38
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuThe texts that you see as english are like that as the translation is not performed. check Crowdin project.21:34:06
30 May 2024
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena
In reply to @richard.heise:matrix.org
Hi there, I would like to ask something: I have just installed a Decidim instance on a cloud computing service. I've just configured it and changed the default_locale and available locales to others. At the moment I want all the platform to be in portuguese, but even though I've changed the default locale both in the rails console and in the admin settings, there are some texts which persist to be in english. Is there a way to modify it?
Here is the link if you want to translate them: https://translate.decidim.org/project/decidim/pt-PT
4 Jun 2024
@macstban:matrix.orgMacStban joined the room.21:15:00
@macstban:matrix.orgMacStbanHello devs, I am implementing Decidim for a community in Chile, and I am having issues with the initial configurations of Decidim. It tells me that my manifest is {} and that it cannot compile. I have tried several things to fix it. I managed to run a version by manually installing some libraries in package.json, but it is not optimal. Could you help me?21:18:10
6 Jun 2024
@wjjunyor:matrix.orgw joined the room.00:22:22
@wjjunyor:matrix.orgwHey Folks. I am starting an implementation of a Decidim Instance. Does anyone has a nixOS recipe?00:35:17
In reply to @telegram_8141311:t2bot.io
Here is the link if you want to translate them: https://translate.decidim.org/project/decidim/pt-PT
I'll join!
7 Jun 2024
@siickthelemon:matrix.org@siickHello All, hope every one is well :) I have a question about Decidim and creating users. There's another way (like with the API, maybe a script or a rail command ) to create users than creating manually an account on sign_up page?12:19:15
@siickthelemon:matrix.org@siickBecause i want to automatically create an user when someone create an account on another website of the organisation. I found a very dirty SQL way but i try to look for better way.12:21:18

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