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8 Apr 2024
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 * bash test15:59:56
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 * -bash test16:00:04
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Redacted or Malformed Event16:01:04
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018ubuntu@master-infranux:~$ cat /etc/host.conf # The "order" line is only used by old versions of the C library. order hosts,bind multi on20:15:16
9 Apr 2024
In reply to @sdelcroix:matrix.org
Hi folks :) Is there technical issue with Metadecidim ? Website (and PWA) is kinda slow since few days.
It seems that Metadecidim website is now back to good loading speed ;) If something has been done by anyone, thanks to her/him/them !
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixHowever I noticed on the following page that links to Metadecidim sections are external. I didn’t try v0.28 yet but does it mean that the rich text editor still doesn’t allow to make internal links ? : https://meta.decidim.org/processes/Welcome05:22:02
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix* However I noticed on the following page that links to Metadecidim sections are externals. I didn’t try v0.28 yet but does it mean that the rich text editor still doesn’t allow to make internal links ? : https://meta.decidim.org/processes/Welcome05:22:22
@popsi:matrix.orgpopsiYes it allows it, but not automatically, so I think it just wasn't updated! But when adding or editing a link in the rich text editor, you can choose it to be opened in the same tab or in a new tab 😁15:15:16
10 Apr 2024
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix Thanks popsi , nice to know ;) 06:12:18
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Hi all ! Hope you are fine11:22:46

Alexandru Lupu:

In /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb

I added a line to check variable

def detect_port!

    puts "hostname = #@hostname and port= #@port"

    server = TCPServer.new(@hostname, @port)

The result is empty variable:

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim_application$ bin/dev
13:22:03 web.1 | started with pid 50279
13:22:03 shakapacker.1 | started with pid 50280
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | warning ../package.json: No license field
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | hostname = and port=
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb:60:in `initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)

@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 *

Alexandru Lupu:

In /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb

I added a line to check variable

def detect_port!

puts "hostname = #@hostname and port= #@port"

server = TCPServer.new(@hostname, @port)

The result is empty variable:

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim\_application$ bin/dev
13:22:03 web.1         | started with pid 50279
13:22:03 shakapacker.1 | started with pid 50280
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | warning ../package.json: No license field
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | hostname =  and port=
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev\_server\_runner.rb:60:in \`initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 *

Alexandru Lupu:

In /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb

I added a line to check variable

def detect\_port!

puts "hostname = #@hostname and port= #@port"

server = TCPServer.new(@hostname, @port)

The result is empty variable:

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim\_application$ bin/dev
13:22:03 web.1         | started with pid 50279
13:22:03 shakapacker.1 | started with pid 50280
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | warning ../package.json: No license field
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | hostname =  and port=
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev\_server\_runner.rb:60:in \`initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 *

Alexandru Lupu:

In /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb

I added a line to check variable

def detect\_port!

puts "hostname = #@hostname and port= #@port"

server = TCPServer.new(@hostname, @port)

The result is empty variable:

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim\_application$ bin/dev
13:22:03 web.1         | started with pid 50279
13:22:03 shakapacker.1 | started with pid 50280
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | warning ../package.json: No license field
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | hostname =  and port=
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev\_server\_runner.rb:60:in \`initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)

@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 *

Alexandru Lupu:

In /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev_server_runner.rb

I added a line to check variables

def detect\_port!

puts "hostname = #@hostname and port= #@port"

server = TCPServer.new(@hostname, @port)

The result is empty variables:

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim\_application$ bin/dev
13:22:03 web.1         | started with pid 50279
13:22:03 shakapacker.1 | started with pid 50280
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | warning ../package.json: No license field
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | hostname =  and port=
13:22:04 shakapacker.1 | /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/3.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shakapacker-7.1.0/lib/shakapacker/dev\_server\_runner.rb:60:in \`initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)

@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Maybe it can't find the configuration file or he look for it elsewhere ?11:36:11
Download image.png
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018maybe some files missing ?17:55:04
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018I have installed nodejs and npm with NVM and yars with npm17:55:54
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018 * I have installed nodejs and npm with NVM and yarn with npm17:57:51
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupu check that your /decidim-packs folder is loaded from the disk, not from rails ... 17:57:00
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupuyour assets have been generated, but when you try to load them, it redirects youu to system ... this tells me that browser tries to load decidim-packs, is not finding it18:00:26
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Redacted or Malformed Event18:01:36
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Luputhen add to your virtual host a path like18:02:18
In reply to @telegram_500738289:t2bot.io
check that your /decidim-packs folder is loaded from the disk, not from rails ...
How can I check this ?

ubuntu@master-infranux:~/decidim_application/log$ grep decidim-packs production.log  | tail
I, [2024-04-10T19:56:21.860162 #57349]  INFO -- : [f0c65d64-91d6-4ed9-a6ac-292a7ef0725f] Started GET "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_core-f7113ad5f9a3abe10bdf.js" for at 2024-04-10 19:56:21 +0200
[40cf020a-deeb-4f41-b317-97a232e402ca] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/css/decidim_system-9fa2e608.css"):
[f0c65d64-91d6-4ed9-a6ac-292a7ef0725f] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_core-f7113ad5f9a3abe10bdf.js"):
[3821fc4f-d3a9-45c9-9afa-b9fc191ab6ef] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/css/decidim_core-1423f093.css"):
I, [2024-04-10T19:56:21.923556 #57349]  INFO -- : [707964e5-66a3-4639-9696-035c89201396] Started GET "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_system-88bd3012032a604b4c7c.js" for at 2024-04-10 19:56:21 +0200
[707964e5-66a3-4639-9696-035c89201396] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_system-88bd3012032a604b4c7c.js"):
I, [2024-04-10T19:56:25.555114 #57349]  INFO -- : [b12b3814-6d4b-4e3c-89c3-4bd82e1de724] Started GET "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_system-88bd3012032a604b4c7c.js" for at 2024-04-10 19:56:25 +0200
[b12b3814-6d4b-4e3c-89c3-4bd82e1de724] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/js/decidim_system-88bd3012032a604b4c7c.js"):
I, [2024-04-10T19:56:27.166127 #57349]  INFO -- : [7f8c068c-cb3a-4902-94ba-4781415ffd3d] Started GET "/decidim-packs/media/images/remixicon.symbol-e643e553623ffcd49f94.svg" for at 2024-04-10 19:56:27 +0200
[7f8c068c-cb3a-4902-94ba-4781415ffd3d] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/decidim-packs/media/images/remixicon.symbol-e643e553623ffcd49f94.svg"):

@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupu location /decidim-packs/ {
root /home/ubuntu/decidim_application/public/decidim-packs;
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Luputhat should be inside your server { } block18:03:33
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupudo u have nginx ?18:03:54
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupuin your /etc/nginx you should have a sites-enabled.d or conf.d folder where the server config18:06:22

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