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13 Apr 2024
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018* Hi Alexandru Oh ok and is it possible to change the mail address of the user who create the organization ?15:29:25
14 Apr 2024
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien PouyetHello, following this thread : https://matrix.to/#/!vVcsnwMNPHhwWsmXST:matrix.org/$3C3HAY2csU6et6bvEPCNKPonNe_Iigz7ZuePZvPBcQw?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=privchat.eu I now have an error cause of "CSRF detected" (prompt on the login page)06:28:14
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet * Hello, following this thread : https://matrix.to/#/!vVcsnwMNPHhwWsmXST:matrix.org/$3C3HAY2csU6et6bvEPCNKPonNe_Iigz7ZuePZvPBcQw?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=privchat.eu I now have an error cause of "CSRF detected" (prompt on the login page). And I definitely do looking at the queries. Though I don't understand why it would be an issue nor what I should do to make it work/ 06:28:47
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet *

Hello, following this thread : https://matrix.to/#/!vVcsnwMNPHhwWsmXST:matrix.org/$3C3HAY2csU6et6bvEPCNKPonNe_Iigz7ZuePZvPBcQw?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=privchat.eu

I now have an error cause of "CSRF detected" (prompt on the login page). And I definitely do looking at the queries. Though I don't understand why it would be an issue nor what I should do to make it work.

To be more precise, I have an "Invalid Credentials" message on the login page, but if I click on the actual callback URL, it shows me "CSRF detected".

Exact messages :

  • CSRF : "Could not authenticate you from Provider because "Csrf detected"."
  • Invalid Credentials : "Could not authenticate you from Provider because "Csrf detected"."
15 Apr 2024
@telegram_910959537:t2bot.ioMartín FulgueirasHi, quick question... Is there a container image for version 0.28? Thanks.22:49:00
16 Apr 2024
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet
In reply to @telegram_910959537:t2bot.io
Hi, quick question... Is there a container image for version 0.28? Thanks.

Yes here : https://hub.docker.com/layers/decidim/decidim/0.28.0/images/sha256-c6d21e944bebea51c55f26352f90a64db3052978ba2f10ce2a7d5e087d9316c8?context=explore

And all images : https://hub.docker.com/r/decidim/decidim

@telegram_910959537:t2bot.ioMartín FulgueirasThank you!06:30:24
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena Also bear in mind that there could be some limitations in docker hub side, as they're limiting uploads without user. You can find the images in GitHub images registry too: https://github.com/decidim/docker/pkgs/container/decidim 12:05:28
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Hi everyone I hope you are fine I have this in my production.log and I don't know how to interprate that:15:24:36
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Download extrait_production.log15:24:48
@alecslupu:matrix.orgAlexandru Emil LupuI think is this error : https://github.com/decidim/decidim/pull/1213615:26:43
@alecslupu:matrix.orgAlexandru Emil LupuIt will be fixed in decidim 0.28.115:27:01
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Thanks Alexandru15:31:39
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Do you know when the 0.28.1 version will be available ?15:39:05
@alecslupu:matrix.orgAlexandru Emil Lupu jonathan1018: no, i do not have the deadline for it :) but we are pretty close on doing it 16:20:31
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018Thanks Alexandru I will waiting XD16:24:51
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet
In reply to @ricocotam:matrix.org

Hello, following this thread : https://matrix.to/#/!vVcsnwMNPHhwWsmXST:matrix.org/$3C3HAY2csU6et6bvEPCNKPonNe_Iigz7ZuePZvPBcQw?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=privchat.eu

I now have an error cause of "CSRF detected" (prompt on the login page). And I definitely do looking at the queries. Though I don't understand why it would be an issue nor what I should do to make it work.

To be more precise, I have an "Invalid Credentials" message on the login page, but if I click on the actual callback URL, it shows me "CSRF detected".

Exact messages :

  • CSRF : "Could not authenticate you from Provider because "Csrf detected"."
  • Invalid Credentials : "Could not authenticate you from Provider because "Csrf detected"."
Sorry to bother with my messages, I tried some stuff but didn't success :(
@jonathan1018:matrix.orgjonathan1018* Thanks Alexandru I will wait XD16:25:33
17 Apr 2024
@alecslupu:matrix.orgAlexandru Emil Lupu Adrien Pouyet: This is an implementation error. is hard for us to help if we cannot see / test the code ( of the oauth ), and considering decidim's AGPL license you should be Open source 06:01:12
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet
In reply to @alecslupu:matrix.org
Adrien Pouyet: This is an implementation error. is hard for us to help if we cannot see / test the code ( of the oauth ), and considering decidim's AGPL license you should be Open source
My org isn't familiar with open source and is scared. I'm gonna release this in another way. I'm not fan of closed source either. I'll post here when it's released.
18 Apr 2024
@pau_pokecode:matrix.orgPau Parals
In reply to @ricocotam:matrix.org
My org isn't familiar with open source and is scared. I'm gonna release this in another way. I'm not fan of closed source either. I'll post here when it's released.
It is not so much a matter of organisational sensitivity, but a legal premise of the licence: https://github.com/decidim/decidim?tab=readme-ov-file#license
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet
In reply to @pau_pokecode:matrix.org
It is not so much a matter of organisational sensitivity, but a legal premise of the licence: https://github.com/decidim/decidim?tab=readme-ov-file#license
The omniauth part is not related to this though. But thanks, it will help me convince them.
20 Apr 2024
@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet

Hi, here is my gem for omniauth : https://github.com/Ricocotam/omniauth-wp_oauth/tree/main
It's a replica of what I did. It doesn't work probably, I need more documentation but most of the code is there. The only missing part is the site attribute within the Omniauth strategy. I guess it can be initialized using the usual initializer but I didn't test with this specific gem. Decidim project will be published in the following weeks but apart from the initializer and plugins I didn't do anything. And here is the initializer :

if Rails.application.secrets.dig(:omniauth, :wp_oauth).present?
  Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
      setup: ->(env) {
          request = Rack::Request.new(env)
          organization = Decidim::Organization.find_by(host: request.host)
          provider_config = organization.enabled_omniauth_providers[:wp_oauth]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_id] = provider_config[:client_id]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_secret] = provider_config[:client_secret]
         # :site is defined in the actual gem I use for now. I'm planning a switch but I'd rather it to be working first from decidim side
      scope: :basic

Note that I'm not a ruby dev and I perfectly don't understand what I do here.

So to come back at my issue, my provider works (I tested using Postman) and it fails on Decidim callback.

I have this call that is redirected because failing :


The final query gives me the message Could not authenticate you from ProviderName because "Invalid credentials". but I use the right credentials. And if I actually go on the redirected URL I posted above, I get in the red part Could not authenticate you from ProviderName because "Csrf detected".

If possible I'd like to avoid giving away exact URLs because there's a lot of sensitive informations you could access. And the provider mechanism prevents doing a fake account. But if no choice I can provide by "live" direct messaging

@ricocotam:matrix.orgAdrien Pouyet *

Hi, here is my gem for omniauth : https://github.com/Ricocotam/omniauth-wp_oauth/tree/main
It's a replica of what I did. It doesn't work probably, I need more documentation but most of the code is there. The only missing part is the site attribute within the Omniauth strategy. I guess it can be initialized using the usual initializer but I didn't test with this specific gem. Decidim project will be published in the following weeks but apart from the initializer and plugins I didn't do anything. And here is the initializer :

if Rails.application.secrets.dig(:omniauth, :wp_oauth).present?
  Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
      setup: ->(env) {
          request = Rack::Request.new(env)
          organization = Decidim::Organization.find_by(host: request.host)
          provider_config = organization.enabled_omniauth_providers[:wp_oauth]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_id] = provider_config[:client_id]
          env["omniauth.strategy"].options[:client_secret] = provider_config[:client_secret]
         # :site is defined in the actual gem I use for now. I'm planning a switch but I'd rather it to be working first from decidim side
      scope: :basic

Note that I'm not a ruby dev and I perfectly don't understand what I do here.

So to come back at my issue, my provider works (I tested using Postman) and it fails on Decidim callback.

First there's this call on the provider :


Then I have this call that is redirected because failing :


The final query gives me the message Could not authenticate you from ProviderName because "Invalid credentials". but I use the right credentials. And if I actually go on the redirected URL I posted above, I get in the red part Could not authenticate you from ProviderName because "Csrf detected".

If possible I'd like to avoid giving away exact URLs because there's a lot of sensitive informations you could access. And the provider mechanism prevents doing a fake account. But if no choice I can provide by "live" direct messaging

23 Apr 2024
@matiasba8:matrix.orgMatíDev joined the room.15:40:06
@matiasba8:matrix.orgMatíDevHello, is there any generator to edit the contents of the modules? For the moment im looking for edit the hero page, but i cannot find the view15:41:45
24 Apr 2024
@telegram_317092754:t2bot.ioDynnammo changed their display name from Baptiste THIVEND to Dynnammo.06:47:22
@pau_pokecode:matrix.orgPau Paralsyou have to install the module term customizer if you want to change the terminology as an admin: https://github.com/mainio/decidim-module-term_customizer if not, you can do it directly in the app13:11:17
@therealhoppi:matrix.org@therealhoppi:matrix.org left the room.13:45:52

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