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27 Aug 2024
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári
In reply to @telegram_500738289:t2bot.io
It should be simple if u upgrade on hour gemfile ( ex bundle update stringio )
What do you mean? I am creating a new app from scratch.
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári
In reply to @telegram_500738289:t2bot.io
It should be simple if u upgrade on hour gemfile ( ex bundle update stringio )
* What do you mean? I am creating a new app from scratch. I don't have an existing project (so I don't have a Gemfile or anything yet)
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriWhat is the recommended ruby version?17:42:50
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuTbh, if you start now, try running using decidim 0.29 ( with ruby 3.2.x) ( decidim 0.29.0.rc4 is available now, and in ~2 weeks we may have the stable version released )17:46:08
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuI see. Then try using Ruby 3.1.x branch.17:36:20
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuEach decidim version has its own17:43:10
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuDecidim 0.28 runs on 3.1.x ( i ran using 3.1.1)17:43:59
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuDecidim 0.29 will be using ruby 3.2 Decidim 0.30 will be using ruby 3.317:37:10
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuI have ran successfully using 3.1.117:40:17
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smáriimage.png
Download image.png
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári And then I do decidim decidim_application5 and it fails at the same place, StringIO error 17:51:08
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smáriimage.png
Download image.png
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári I am using rbenv so I can easily switch to any ruby version, but I cannot install this correctly. Tried 3.1.1, 3.3.3, 3.3.4 so far 17:52:24
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári set a profile picture.17:53:51
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuU would still have 0.28.2 installed17:50:51
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriYes, I am using that as you can see in the second screenshot18:17:27
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriI have tried this on my localhost (Ubuntu 24) and also on a new server, Ubuntu 24, and both fail.18:17:56
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriWhat do I need to run to get this up and running? I don't care which version, I just need something to work18:18:28
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuYou can install it using gem install decidim -v 0.29.0.rc4 on a ruby 3.2.2 env18:19:38
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuHave u tried 0.29?18:18:55
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári No, I only followed the documentation doing gem install decidim 18:21:15
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriI will try your instruction, have to install 3.2.2 first. Will report back soon🤞18:22:23
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári * I will try your instruction, but I have to install 3.2.2 first. Will report back soon🤞18:22:36
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriThis works much better, thanks!18:34:25
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriMight be good to mention this in the documentation, especially if the installation is broken on the current version?18:35:12
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriI would guess many people are trying to install, and then give up if it does not work?18:35:43
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuIt seems that rbenv version is a little bit ahead in matter of security patches18:35:45
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupu
In reply to @viktorsmar:matrix.org
This works much better, thanks!
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru Lupu
In reply to @viktorsmar:matrix.org
Might be good to mention this in the documentation, especially if the installation is broken on the current version?
Is not quite broken
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor SmáriOn my Ubuntu server, I used ASDF, and not rbenv. Same issues with StringIO18:37:38

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