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29 Jul 2024
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix Hadrien Froger: I've merged config/secrets.yml and config/initializers/decidim.rb with the ones generated with a new 0.27 Decidim app. I also set environment variables in config/application.yml to work with figaro. Everything seems to be working now :) 16:26:02
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * Hadrien Froger: I've merged and adapted config/secrets.yml and config/initializers/decidim.rb with the ones generated with a new 0.27 Decidim app. I also set environment variables in config/application.yml to work with figaro. Everything seems to be working now :) 16:26:14
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixRedacted or Malformed Event16:28:53
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixNow I have a question regarding Decidim Awesome. I'm using version 0.10.2 and Decidim 0.27.7. In the "System compatibilty" tab, some checks are marked with a red cross : 16:28:56
Download decidim_0.27.7-awesome_0.10.2-checks.png
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixDo I need to do something ? (This is the last version of Decidim Awesome)16:29:44
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixI don't override any of these marked files.16:30:14
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * Now I have a question regarding Decidim Awesome. I'm using version 0.10.2 and Decidim 0.27.7. In the "System compatibilty" tab, some checks are marked with a red cross :16:30:33
@viktorsmar:matrix.orgViktor Smári joined the room.18:20:43
30 Jul 2024
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena ⚠️

Hi everyone! On behalf of the Decidim Maintainers Team, I would like to share the following message:

We want to inform you that there are new releases with some security vulnerabilities fixes, v0.27.7 [0], v0.27.8 and v0.28.2 [1]. We strongly recommend that you plan to update your installations accordingly.

As per our Security policy [2], we will publish information about these vulnerabilities on September 16th and September 30th.

Also I wanted to inform you that we're in the process of preparing the v0.29.0. Until now we have releases candidates (available in Metadecidim). The plan is to make the final release in September. With this we will also introduce a change in our security policy: we will keep maintaining only for security fixes v0.27. This is a good and a bad thing a the same time:

- the good thing is that you could keep working with the old design version for more time until we fully drop support, but...
- the bad thing is that attackers can see more easily which are the fixes (and which are exactly the security bugs)

This is just the trade-offs of working with free software in the open.

(from the Decidim Maintainers Team)

[0] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/releases/tag/v0.27.7
[1] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/releases/tag/v0.27.8
[2] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/releases/tag/v0.28.2
[3] https://github.com/decidim/decidim/blob/develop/SECURITY.md
@telegram_169160476:t2bot.ioHarrison Hassig joined the room.12:02:58

Thanks Andres Pereira de Lucena Andrés Pereira de Lucena ;) I have this message after updating via bundle. Is it important ?

Bundle updated!
Post-install message from icalendar:
ActiveSupport is required for TimeWithZone support, but not required for general use.
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix *

Thanks Andres Pereira de Lucena Andrés Pereira de Lucena ;) I have this message after updating to 0.27.8 via bundle. Is it important ?

Bundle updated!
Post-install message from icalendar:
ActiveSupport is required for TimeWithZone support, but not required for general use.
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena
In reply to @sdelcroix:matrix.org

Thanks Andres Pereira de Lucena Andrés Pereira de Lucena ;) I have this message after updating via bundle. Is it important ?

Bundle updated!
Post-install message from icalendar:
ActiveSupport is required for TimeWithZone support, but not required for general use.
I think it's safe to ignore, it's from a dependency
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixOK thanks ;)15:58:39
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixWhat are the technical requirements to make push notifications work ? I've enabled them in my browser and in my Decidim account. I've generated and set VAPID keys in ENV vars. But when I answer to my comment (with another account), I didn't receive any push notification.16:02:16
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * What are the technical requirements to make push notifications work ? I've enabled them in my browser and in my Decidim account. I've generated and set VAPID keys in ENV vars (and restarted web server). But when I answer to my comment (with another account), I didn't receive any push notification.16:02:41
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroix * What are the technical requirements to make push notifications work ? I've enabled them in my browser and in my Decidim account. I've generated and set VAPID keys in ENV vars (and restarted web server). But when I answer to my comment (with another account), I don't receive any push notification.16:02:53

When I test push notifications with Chrome DevTools ( https://umaar.com/dev-tips/208-push-notifications/ ) with the default test message, I get the following error (same on MetaDecidim website too) :

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'T', "Test push "... is not valid JSON

from the sw.js file :

self.addEventListener("push", (event) => {
  const { title, ...opts } = event.data.json(); //// <--- error is triggered here
  event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(title, { ...opts }));
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena At the bottom of https://nightly.decidim.org/notifications_settings
You should see

Push notifications

To get notifications from the platform, you will need to allow them in your browser settings first.
Get push notifications to find out what is going on when you are not on the platform. You can turn them off anytime.

And if you enable them then the browser will ask for permission
@telegram_8141311:t2bot.ioAndrés Pereira de Lucena
In reply to @sdelcroix:matrix.org
What are the technical requirements to make push notifications work ? I've enabled them in my browser and in my Decidim account. I've generated and set VAPID keys in ENV vars. But when I answer to my comment (with another account), I didn't receive any push notification.
After you set up the vapid keys correctly, you need to enable them in the participant notifications settings
@sdelcroix:matrix.orgsdelcroixRedacted or Malformed Event16:39:57
In reply to @telegram_8141311:t2bot.io
After you set up the vapid keys correctly, you need to enable them in the participant notifications settings
Both are done ;)
31 Jul 2024
@alonsorossi:matrix.orgalonsorossiHello everyone, I have installed Decidim 0.28 for personal use and I have the following problem. If I start /bin/shakapacker-dev-server, the app starts correctly in development mode, but in production mode, the styles don't load and everything appears in plain text. I have set the compilation value to true in the shakapacker.yml for the production environment, but it still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to configure something else? Thanks.12:36:15
Download image.png
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuHave you ran rails assets:precompile ?12:37:16
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuFor env prod12:37:32
Download image.png
@alonsorossi:matrix.orgalonsorossiIf I have done that and it still fails, it does not find some js files and I have followed the installation steps one by one12:57:50
@telegram_500738289:t2bot.ioAlexandru LupuIf you run in production, you do not need the shackspacker server to be started12:58:44

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