
Guix - System Crafters

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17 Mar 2024
@wonko7:matrix.orgWilliamHi all! I'm trying to install guix from my current guix machine to an external drive, which will reinserted as another machine's primary internal drive, and I haven't managed to make a grub that boots the system on the other machine. If any of you have done something similar, what kind of grub-* are you using as your bootloader? 15:08:54
@wonko7:matrix.orgWilliamgot it with grub-efi-removable-bootloader16:12:04
18 Mar 2024
In reply to @wonko7:matrix.org
Hi all! I'm trying to install guix from my current guix machine to an external drive, which will reinserted as another machine's primary internal drive, and I haven't managed to make a grub that boots the system on the other machine. If any of you have done something similar, what kind of grub-* are you using as your bootloader?
that's interesting. did you boot into your usual Guix system?
@wonko7:matrix.orgWilliamyes! the system being installed on encrypted btrfs partition no less 09:31:57
# external drive: plain EFI partition mounted on /mnt/tmp-efi/, encrypted partition is luksOpened, and the system subvolume is mounted on /mnt/guix-root
# I'm using this with a grub-efi-netboot-bootloader that targets '("/mnt/tmp-efi/")
guix system init .../os.scm /mnt/guix-root
24 Mar 2024
@talleyrand-34:matrix.orgtalleyrand-34 changed their display name from talleryand-34 to talleyrand-34.21:07:37
26 Mar 2024
In reply to @wonko7:matrix.org
yes! the system being installed on encrypted btrfs partition no less
But no subvolumes on default which is just journalling like on ext4...
@wonko7:matrix.orgWilliamsubvolume for / works fine20:53:49
29 Mar 2024
@manueel:matrix.orgmanueel joined the room.01:23:09
@dotkwa:filly.chatdotkwa changed their profile picture.16:21:03
@gerogaga:matrix.orggerogagaIs there a guix config variable for core_pattern?18:45:24
@matroid:matrix.org@matroid:matrix.org left the room.23:12:54
31 Mar 2024
@adroit:matrix.orgAdroitIs there a way to fully replace pulse with pipewire system-wide? I see there's a "home service" but that looks to be a user-specific layer thing, and I'd need realtime audio (root) and don't want to keep pulseaudio as well.00:00:51
@sidd_hant:matrix.org@sidd_hant:matrix.org left the room.12:38:05
3 Apr 2024
In reply to @adroit:matrix.org
Is there a way to fully replace pulse with pipewire system-wide? I see there's a "home service" but that looks to be a user-specific layer thing, and I'd need realtime audio (root) and don't want to keep pulseaudio as well.
On non-Guix systems I know you can get user-mode realtime by setting the right limits.conf

Question, what is the way to configure packages with guix in scheme? (something equivalent to nix options)

13 Apr 2024
In reply to @gilganix:matrix.org

Question, what is the way to configure packages with guix in scheme? (something equivalent to nix options)

can you point me at Nix doc for the options?

is it like the nix-build --option thing?


That sounds like the Guix transformations, but I'm not sure.

The transformations allow you to specify, architecture, tuning, git tags/branches, configure flags, debug info, etc

  • run guix build --help-transform for a quick list.
  • See 8.3 on Defining Package Variants https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Programming-Interface.html
  • and 10.1.2 on Package Transformation Options https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Package-Transformation-Options.html
@dcunit3d:matrix.orgDCin practice, setting up a manifest to specify these all the way down is a bit confusing.11:49:09
@dcunit3d:matrix.orgDCso i added a gnupg2.3 package to my github channel. to ensure that flatpak uses the same version, i needed to manage it's package graph and inject a reference to gnupg2.3 see this org-babel example. https://0x0.st/X-Li.txt the ``<<packages>>` is a org-babel noweb reference, since my dotfiles are based on daviwil's. but in similar fashion, if you want some shared libraries to be debuggable for a top-level binary, you can manipulate the package graph returned by a guix manifest. you would use Scheme to write the manifest.11:56:55
@dcunit3d:matrix.orgDCthe Guix transformations feature really is unbelievably powerful for lower-level development11:57:22
@dcunit3d:matrix.orgDCbut you have to ensure that all the packages in the graph are "seeing" consistent versions of the package graph11:58:26
@holdyrterrorclose:matrix.orgNomin joined the room.12:51:58
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org joined the room.15:40:32
14 Apr 2024
@arndot:tchncs.dearndot joined the room.01:16:33
In reply to DC

That sounds like the Guix transformations, but I'm not sure.

The transformations allow you to specify, architecture, tuning, git tags/branches, configure flags, debug info, etc

  • run guix build --help-transform for a quick list.
  • See 8.3 on Defining Package Variants https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Programming-Interface.html
  • and 10.1.2 on Package Transformation Options https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Package-Transformation-Options.html

From a quick glance at the wiki-page that appears to be what I am looking for! Will read more in depth later when I am free and report back. Appreciate the links and mention! :)


Happy guixing xD

16 Apr 2024
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their profile picture.13:21:02
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their profile picture.13:21:24
@sloan:conses.eu@sloan:conses.eu left the room.20:14:24

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