
Matrix on Debian

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15 Jan 2021
@paul:luon.netPaulLike rooms are portable as they exist on every homeserver that has participating users in that room10:01:35
@paul:luon.netPaulI hope more server will be packaged, I am doing initial work on Conduit already10:01:58
@paul:luon.netPaulWrt running on unstable, I never had every new Synapse release break on me but... don't know what the others that really do the work here advise 😉10:03:09
@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeBy migrating I mean installing Conduit to replace Matrix and have the same accounts.10:08:51
@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeFor running on Unstable it's not just the daemon but all the libraries it depends on.10:09:28
@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeThanks for working on Coduit, we need a variety of servers available.10:12:57
@paul:luon.netPaulSynapse always goes from unstable to testing and then stable-backports, and that has been kept up pretty steadily.. so it should work (1.25.0 is underway as we speak)10:14:43
@paul:luon.netPaulI got your migration question. The comment of portable accounts would just mean you just don't have to migrate, you just move your account. But plain migration, so to say, as in the ability of the newer servers to load the data from Synapse, I don't know. Conduit doesn't have it yet, that I do know, cannot speak to the others.10:15:58
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 etbe (Russell Coker): yes, migrating to postgres will help as will disabling presence https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/wiki/Running-synapse-on-Single-board-computers 10:22:07
@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeThanks, I'll give it a go.10:23:06
@paul:luon.netPaulHo, interesting! Thanks emmorp110:28:24
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1Supposedly 1.25 improved the state resolution performance too, but I haven't had a chance to check that.10:33:59
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh etbe (Russell Coker): keep in mind I’m being asked to not let Synapse into the released Bullseye 10:56:08
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshso I will probably end up filing an RC bug late in the freeze10:56:39
@david:vovo.id.audavoHomeserver performance is largely not dictated by the number of users on the server, but the rooms the server is in.11:05:05
@david:vovo.id.audavoSo for example, just one person joining Matrix HQ with a Synapse instance backed by SQLite is an extremely bad idea.11:06:23
@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeWhy not have Synapse in Bullseye?11:50:03

my guess would be that it is not stable - but that's just a guess: andrewsh, is that request tracked in a bugreport?

@etbe:luv.asn.auetbeFor Synapse do they patch security issues or just make you get the new version?12:09:39
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1New version, there is no LTS. But, the security advisories identify the specific commits12:11:55
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh etbe (Russell Coker): the upstream doesn’t yet want to commit to supporting old versions and our Debian FTP and Security overlords don’t want to ship unsupportable software 12:22:20
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshso while I attempted to do just that for buster, that apparently made some people unhappy and was considered a bad move12:22:55

andrewsh: I strongly recommend that you gather info like that in a bugreport - making unfounding accusations in places like this is bad


(I call it accusations when you choose labels like "overlords")

@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshwait, maybe I used a wrong word12:28:45
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI didn’t mean any bad connotations12:28:56
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh * etbe (Russell Coker): the upstream doesn’t yet want to commit to supporting old versions and our Debian FTP and Security friends don’t want to ship unsupportable software 12:29:07
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh * etbe (Russell Coker): the upstream doesn’t yet want to commit to supporting old versions and our Debian FTP and Security friends don’t want to ship unsupportable software 12:29:18
@jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonasregardless of choice of words - do you agree that gathering infor in bugreports is better?12:29:26

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