
Matrix on Debian

158 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix53 Servers

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16 Mar 2021
@graceday:librem.onegraceday joined the room.10:46:58
18 Mar 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Marked for autoremoval on 02 April: <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/982991">#982991</a>
20 Mar 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Problems while searching for a new upstream version
@daniel.bast:matrix.org@daniel.bast:matrix.org joined the room.11:38:37
21 Mar 2021
@ijurisic:matrix.orgIvan Jurišić joined the room.08:27:16
@ijurisic:matrix.orgIvan Jurišić changed their display name from ijurisic to Ivan Jurišić.08:29:39
22 Mar 2021
@ijurisic:matrix.orgIvan Jurišić left the room.00:04:59
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.30.0-1 (source) into unstable
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
<a href="https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=matrix-synapse">version in VCS is newer</a> than in repository, is it time to upload?
23 Mar 2021
@elsiehupp:matrix.orgElsie Hupp joined the room.06:38:04
@elsiehupp:matrix.orgElsie Hupp changed their profile picture.07:33:17
25 Mar 2021
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerrA while ago, I did a "buildd give back" for all arches where nheko (0.8.0-1) wasn't able to build - due to bug with gcc. It is green now on amd64, and installation both on and from unstable (.deb) should be better now :-) That said, it probably needs another upload due to missing deps on gstreamer plugins (for video + audio calls)14:07:30
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregYeah, and new upstream release. I wonder why the build succeeded when you did a give back.14:13:09
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerrHeh, yeah. The most notable change I see is in the version of libc6 (-29 as opposed to -30)14:22:14
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerrOr the other completely random guess is the earlier one was a flaky build14:22:41
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregWell, it failed on every arch, and also on my own system after I "upgraded" my build env14:25:07
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregAnyways, I'll do a new upload soonish14:25:43
26 Mar 2021
@sthaydn:chat.hallertau.socialst.haydnHi all, it seems I am still on 1.25 and dug a bit further. 1.28 would be available from the backports, but couldn't be installed because of some dependencies: python3-psycopg2 (>= 2.8) but should be installed. Well, is installed. python3-txacme is not installable. What is going on there?10:03:28
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshpython3-psycopg2 needs to be installed from the backports as well10:14:04
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh you need to add -t buster-backport to your apt command line 10:14:22
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh * you need to add -t buster-backports to your apt command line 10:14:27
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshpython3-txacme is not mandatory afair10:14:59
@sthaydn:chat.hallertau.socialst.haydnOh, I see. Thanks. It is working. And I have something to learn about again: fasttrack.10:48:10
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.28.0-1~bpo10+2 (source) into buster-backports->backports-policy, buster-backports
@jan:heitkoetter.netjan joined the room.12:52:31
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh invited @jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonas.15:00:19
27 Mar 2021
@jan:heitkoetter.netjan invited @stefanfahl:matrix.orgstefanfahl.15:04:03
@stefanfahl:matrix.orgstefanfahl joined the room.15:53:13
@stefan:matrix-fahl.dyndns.orgStefan joined the room.17:38:19
28 Mar 2021
@dilinger:queued.netAndresI'm uploading a new libquotient - that malformed user id crash looks nasty (https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/issues/456)03:54:21

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