
Matrix on Debian

158 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix53 Servers

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28 Mar 2021
@rez0sk:matrix.orgrez0sk joined the room.15:27:15
@andreas-ac:matrix.orgAndreasAC left the room.15:42:27
29 Mar 2021
@mrpenner:matrix.orgMark left the room.02:51:44
30 Mar 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
A new upstream version is available: <a href="https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/archive/refs/tags/v1.30.1.tar.gz">1.30.1</a>
@jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonas joined the room.12:57:41
1 Apr 2021
@b342:matrix.debian.social@b342 joined the room.06:27:03
2 Apr 2021
@calaad:calaad.netCalaad joined the room.12:38:45
@calaad:calaad.netCalaad set a profile picture.17:24:03
@calaad:calaad.netCalaad changed their profile picture.18:31:11
4 Apr 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
matrix-synapse REMOVED from testing
5 Apr 2021
@ssweeny:ssweeny.netScott Sweeny left the room.16:03:27
6 Apr 2021
@stefan:matrix-fahl.dyndns.orgStefan changed their profile picture.09:24:31
7 Apr 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.31.0-1 (source) into unstable
@jan:heitkoetter.netjan changed their profile picture.12:22:23
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
<a href="https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=matrix-synapse">version in VCS is newer</a> than in repository, is it time to upload?
@project1enigma:matrix.orgproject1enigma joined the room.20:05:39
9 Apr 2021
@booster:librem.oneBooster changed their profile picture.15:19:31
10 Apr 2021
@yannick:bistre.frYannick joined the room.16:35:10
@jvalleroy:jvalleroy.mooo.comJames Valleroy joined the room.16:42:50
@yannick:bistre.frYannickHi folks! when synapse 1.30.1 with the security fix for OpenSSL will be available? I'm usinf fastrack on debian buster and latest is
11 Apr 2021
In reply to @yannick:bistre.fr
Hi folks! when synapse 1.30.1 with the security fix for OpenSSL will be available? I'm usinf fastrack on debian buster and latest is 1.30.0.
I'm confused by this question. Is your libssl1.1 not up to date?
@wusuoweiju:matrix.org@wusuoweiju:matrix.org joined the room.10:17:31
@wusuoweiju:matrix.org@wusuoweiju:matrix.org left the room.10:18:46
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
lintian reports <a href="https://lintian.debian.net/sources/matrix-synapse">3 errors and 31 warnings</a>
In reply to @david:vovo.id.au
I'm confused by this question. Is your libssl1.1 not up to date?
Yes, it is up to date. But I'm not sure if that's enough. It all started with this release : https://matrix.org/blog/2021/03/26/synapse-1-30-1-released
"This release is identical to Synapse 1.30.0, with the exception of explicitly setting a minimum version of the Python Cryptography library to ensure that users of Synapse are protected from yesterday's OpenSSL security advisories, especially CVE-2021-3449. ../.. Note that Cryptography defaults to bundling its own statically linked copy of OpenSSL, which means that you may not be protected by your operating system's security updates."
@yannick:bistre.frYannickThus the question is: does Python Cryptography library has this fix released in debian? Either by using libssl1.1 dynamically linked and patched, or by using a patched version of statically linked libssl.11:36:32
@yannick:bistre.frYannickThe OpenSSL advisory (CVE-2021-3450) state:11:37:28
"OpenSSL versions 1.1.1h and newer are affected by this issue. Users of these versions should upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1k.",
@yannick:bistre.frYannick(CVE-2021-3449) state:11:39:59

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