
Matrix on Debian

166 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix62 Servers

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2 Jun 2021
@baer:g3la.deCy8aeryep thanks and now talking via 1.34...13:28:07
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer andrewsh: Will the package go to backports after the release? Will it be available via tasttrack, too? 14:04:10

sunweaver (@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.org): Great that you updated the wiki page - I can suggest that you subscribe to the page

@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver@jonas done14:17:25
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 ... and the reason it's not in testing is because without upstream support (e.g. making 1.28 an LTS), packaging for stable would be difficult. I really hope they change their minds for Debian 12 17:34:52
In reply to @joerg:alea.gnuu.de
andrewsh: Will the package go to backports after the release? Will it be available via tasttrack, too?
it will go to backports for bullseye, yes
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshand if I have enough capacity, will remain in fasttrack for buster for some time20:31:04
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh sunweaver: btw you don’t have to use @ for mentions 20:31:27
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshyou can just press Tab 😉20:31:40
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh in fact, if you press Tab, it will remove the @ from before the nickname 🙂 20:32:24
@_oftc_jpw:matrix.orgjpw joined the room.21:28:07
@_oftc_jpw:matrix.orgjpw left the room.21:28:28
3 Jun 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for nheko:
Marked for autoremoval on 02 July due to <a href="/pkg/htmlmin">htmlmin</a>: <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/959508">#959508</a>
@_oftc_shbot:matrix.orgshbot joined the room.05:04:55
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@_oftc_shortdudey1234:matrix.orgshortdudey1234 joined the room.05:05:49
@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver andrewsh: ah, ok. Thanks. 08:03:11
@_oftc_etrepum:matrix.orgetrepum joined the room.08:35:20
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@_oftc_lightsey:matrix.orglightsey joined the room.08:44:01
@_oftc_coderobe7:matrix.orgcoderobe7 joined the room.09:01:59
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@_oftc_letto:matrix.orgletto joined the room.09:07:34
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@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org joined the room.09:17:37
@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:17:37
@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:17:38
@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:17:39
@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:17:44
@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org@_oftc_IQless:matrix.org left the room.09:18:08

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