
Matrix on Debian

162 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix60 Servers

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1 Jun 2021
In reply to @hubert:uhoreg.ca
I've added you
In reply to @sunweaver:matrix.org
Package is close to being uploaded. Only a few fine-tuning things left.


2 Jun 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.35.0-1 (source) into unstable
@darhma:matrix.orgdarhma joined the room.08:48:26
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
The <a href="https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=matrix-synapse">VCS repository is not up to date</a>, push the missing commits.
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg SommerWill Synapse stay in Fasttrack after release or will it go back to backports?10:44:03
@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver andrewsh: uhoreg: jonas: I have now uploaded matrix-sydent to exp and created a Git repo for it on salsa. The changes have been pushed there (repo name: matrix-sydent). Only thing is, that I cannot configure the repo's settings via GitLab's UI. It seems I lack permissions to do that. 11:07:03
@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver For example, I'd like to retitle the repot (Matrix Sydent -> matrix-sydent). 11:07:18
@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver Also, I wanted to check integrations/webhooks of the other projects and immitate those for matrix-sydent. As I can neither look into settings of other matrix-team Git repo's nor edit the settings for matrix-sydent.git, I guess I need someone to do it for me. 11:08:16
@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverOr someone to grant me more access.11:08:23

sunweaver (@_oftc_sunweaver:matrix.org): I now made you owner

* @jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonas see no point in "jailing" anyone in the team - that's arguably something else than "teamwork" altogether... 11:18:10
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver@jonas: Tak skal du have11:20:25
* @sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver just tried to use hydrogen.element.io and play with it a little (I saw jonas packaging it on salsa). The element.io site currently seems to be broken, I cannot land into a real matrix session there. 11:21:40
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver jonas: as the webtools seems to support multi-account logins, how are have you come with the Debian packaging? Anything usable, so far? 11:22:15
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver * jonas: as the hydrogen webtool seems to support multi-account logins, how are have you come with the Debian packaging? Anything usable, so far? 11:22:31
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver@jonas I just checked for integrations and webhooks for other packages of the matrix-team. There don't seem to be any, right? So, I am through with sydent. Happy to get some feedback. (Need to set it up finally for production myself now).11:29:48
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver * jonas: as the hydrogen webtool seems to support multi-account logins, how far have you come with the Debian packaging? Anything usable, so far? 11:30:27
@jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonasI ran out of steam at some point, unfortunately before reaching a point where it was usable :-(11:38:55
@jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonasI certainly want to continue, but involves packaging more Node.js modules and solving mysteries related to TypeScript11:40:29
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaveroh well.12:15:41
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverout of steam or out of funding?12:15:50
@jonas:matrix.jones.dkjonasjust steam - I am paid by Purism and they want progress on this12:29:16
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverah, ok. Anything I can do to add steam, then?12:53:25
@baer:g3la.deCy8aerIs there actually a reason why matrix-synapse backports is frozen to 1.28.0?13:07:02
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh Cy8aer: the reason is that synapse has been removed from testing 13:10:39
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh Cy8aer: but as the latest version in backports mentions, you can get newer versions from fasttrack! 13:10:59
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh(you can only upload to backports from testing)13:11:28
@baer:g3la.deCy8aerok, thanks for thi information. I did not know that there is a dependency to testing. Makes sense...13:11:57
@jan:heitkoetter.netjanCy8aer: https://fasttrack.debian.net/13:18:12

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