
Matrix on Debian

168 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix58 Servers

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27 May 2021
@hasmonia:matrix.orgoemb1905 joined the room.22:04:39
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
lintian reports <a href="https://lintian.debian.org/sources/matrix-synapse">3 errors and 31 warnings</a>
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for nheko:
lintian reports <a href="https://lintian.debian.org/sources/nheko">1 warning</a>
28 May 2021
@silwol:matrix.orgsilwol joined the room.18:33:15
29 May 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
A new upstream version is available: <a href="https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/archive/refs/tags/v1.35.0rc3.tar.gz">1.35.0~rc3</a>
31 May 2021
@mike.gabriel:das-netzwerkteam.demike.gabriel joined the room.06:17:31
@mike.gabriel:das-netzwerkteam.demike.gabriel@andrewsh: I have recently started looking into installing Matrix homeservers.06:18:26
@mike.gabriel:das-netzwerkteam.demike.gabriel andrewsh: thanks for the packaging of synapse. 06:18:37
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver joined the room.06:19:28
@mike.gabriel:das-netzwerkteam.demike.gabriel left the room.06:20:30
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver andrewsh: are there any plans to package the sydent identity server? Or are there alternative code projects available already? 06:22:28
* @sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaver is thinking about packaging sydent, if it is not happening already.06:22:52
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh sunweaver: out of curiosity, why do you need it? 06:46:56
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI thought about packaging but then decided it doesn’t make much sense06:47:09

sunweaver: please do!


andrewsh: the use case is instances not wanting traffic leaked to a central service

@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI’d say the proper solution is not to use emails/phones/etc but only Matrix IDs06:53:45
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI think the upstream already has some packaging to start with06:57:11
@sahilister:diasp.insahilister joined the room.07:01:34

wider known identifiers are more user friendly - sure you can avoid leaking search data to a centralized entity by not doing search at all, but the point of having the option of a locally hosted sydent is to be able to serve a decentral search instead (yes, I know, it will then not be a federated search but a disconnect decentral one)


in short, what is the "proper" solution depends on how to approach the problem space


sunweaver: please do!

Well, then. Will do.

@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverWhile I agree with @andrewsh about the indentity issue, I think a well secluded identity server (e.g. in a business environment, not leaking to the outside) is a nice feature (and exactly what I'd like to have for my companies.07:34:55
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverI also created an IRC channel on OFTC (#debian-matrix) and only after that I read that there is this matrix channel.07:35:50
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverStill being more in favour of IRC (or, well, in favour of a cmdline based chat client), would it make sense to look into bridging that IRC channel and this matrix channel?07:36:43
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverOf shall I simply unregister the channel again.07:36:50
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshlet’s create #debian-irc:matrix.org instead 😉07:37:04
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverfor people using IRC primarily, it might be good to have it as an entry point from the IRC world.07:37:09
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshor maybe we can expect people to try Matrix first 🙂07:37:47

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