
Matrix on Debian

157 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix58 Servers

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23 May 2021
@ml_mx_test:matrix.orgml_mx_test left the room.09:18:29
@scyt4l3:matrix.org@scyt4l3:matrix.org joined the room.12:56:54
@scyt4l3:matrix.org@scyt4l3:matrix.org left the room.12:57:10
@wolwin:dipsacus.euWobbelTheBear left the room.15:41:54

Jörg Sommer: Did you edit homeserver.yaml? If you added config.d snippets instead as you are encouraged to do, then you will not be asked when the main config file is changed

@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 Jörg Sommer: nope, last yaml change in the debian package was 1.25 but you may wish to compare with the latest upstream config: zless /usr/share/doc/matrix-synapse/misc/sample_config.yaml.gz 18:18:33
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 also as jonas says, I recommend putting any local customisation yamls into /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/ to avoid the dpkg prompt anyway 18:19:35
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer jonas: I've edited the homeserver.yaml and got no questions. I've extracted the package (dpkg-deb -x) and the config misses the section about workers, redis and options like dummy_events_threshold. 18:21:50
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer
% diff -u0 /tmp/mx/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml <(zcat $D/matrix-synapse/misc/sample_config.yaml.gz) |wc -l
admin@freedombox:~$ zgrep -Pcv '^\s*(#|$)' /usr/share/doc/matrix-synapse/misc/sample_config.yaml.gz
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer
In reply to @emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.name
admin@freedombox:~$ zgrep -Pcv '^\s*(#|$)' /usr/share/doc/matrix-synapse/misc/sample_config.yaml.gz
What does this say?
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 Jörg Sommer: that there are only actually 52 lines of sample config to skim through that aren't either commented out or blank lines. If you drop the -c you'll see it's mostly either placeholders that configure nothing, or already configured in the debian package. 18:32:38
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg SommerBut that's not useful. The comments contains helpful information. It's comparing apples and oranges.18:34:03
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1i.e. you're not missing anything from the upgrade, so just copy over the config documentation you need18:34:26
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1all the comments are included in the /doc/ location location though, so it is absolutely useful as a reference file included with the debian package18:35:19
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1whereas you posted a diff of 2954 as if that meant something, I was just trying to show that it doesn't18:36:53
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg SommerSorry, but if this would really be the attitude than all the comments should be stripped from the homeserver.yaml in the first place.18:37:04
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1no, it's just that it's not worth the maintainers time to sync it upon every release bump?18:37:44
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1you can see from the salsa link that it is periodically refreshed to include the latest upstream comments18:38:18
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer 1.25 -> 1.34 is every release? 18:38:43
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1Redacted or Malformed Event18:39:15
24 May 2021
@nico:ungleich.chnico🇨🇭 joined the room.08:37:21
@jeybe:spootle.deJeybe joined the room.15:00:40
25 May 2021
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh Jörg Sommer: I’m hesitant to update the default config as it would force users to re-merge it on every update 11:02:07
In reply to @emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.name
(for amd64 only until someone uploads any arm binary)
https://fasttrack.debian.net/ now supports arm64, armhf, so matrix-synapse is now available
26 May 2021
@finn0:matrix.orgfinn joined the room.02:54:57
@finn0:matrix.orgfinn left the room.02:59:10
@sengun:phys.ethz.chtar joined the room.11:56:25
27 May 2021
@5m34601:matrix.org5m34601 joined the room.07:50:32
@uli:envs.netUli joined the room.09:04:46

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