
Matrix on Debian

151 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix59 Servers

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28 Sep 2021
@nicozdeb:matrix.org@nicozdeb:matrix.org joined the room.19:40:03
@nicozdeb:matrix.org@nicozdeb:matrix.org left the room.19:41:07
1 Oct 2021
@doorframe:matrix.orgdoorframe joined the room.17:38:30
3 Oct 2021

sadly, matrix-mirage 0.7.2 is unusable in touch screens, see:


5 Oct 2021
@nik:matrix.teckids.orgNik changed their display name from Klampfradler 🎸🚴🏻 to Natureshadow.08:54:35
6 Oct 2021
@zenwalker:matrix.org@zenwalker:matrix.orgit was fixed with latest version available in sid :)12:59:32
@lwiart:matrix.orglouis joined the room.21:33:47
@lwiart:matrix.orglouis changed their display name from lwiart to louis.21:35:45
7 Oct 2021
@ark:isomemetric.netArk joined the room.18:42:55
8 Oct 2021
@sdr_ath0:matrix.org@sdr_ath0:matrix.org joined the room.14:35:14
9 Oct 2021
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune uhoreg (but also others who might be interested): what would it take to package libQuotient and Quaternion on a more or less regular basis? I hope to make releases a bit more regularly (and it has been like that for a few months now) but as I see it, unless I ping you the releases aren't packaged. I'm fine to join the Matrix Packaging Team if that's necessary. 09:42:26
@anonymous0904:matrix.org@anonymous0904:matrix.org joined the room.12:58:12
@anonymous0904:matrix.org@anonymous0904:matrix.org left the room.12:58:33
@sage:asra.grSage joined the room.17:03:16
11 Oct 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] joined the room.01:52:10
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregWelcome back, RSS bot. Now you can tell me when there are new releases.01:55:10
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregI should be able to look at packaging libquotient, quaternion, and nheko this week.01:56:23
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregI don't know if joining the packaging team would help much. Unless you want to become an actual Debian Developer on Debian Maintainer, you'd still need to wait for someone to upload the package.02:00:37
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
matrix-synapse 1.44.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune I implied becoming a DD/DM :) - though, given my Red Hat background these days that would be a bit weird. 05:17:43
@freshgum-bubbles:halogen.city@freshgum-bubbles:halogen.city changed their profile picture.16:10:41
@kurt:roeckx.beQWe don't mind.20:42:07
12 Oct 2021
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.44.0-1~bpo11+1 (source) into bullseye-backports
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.44.0-2 (source) into unstable
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
Accepted matrix-synapse 1.44.0-1~bpo10+1 (source) into oldstable-backports-sloppy->backports-policy, oldstable-backports-sloppy
@_neb_rssbot_=40hubert=3auhoreg.ca:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@hubert:uhoreg.ca] Debian package news for matrix-synapse:
<a href="https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=matrix-synapse">version in VCS is newer</a> than in repository, is it time to upload?
@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.org@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.org joined the room.12:25:16
@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.org@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.orghi peeps12:25:24
@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.org@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.orgso im trying to work around this issue https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=98457412:25:41
@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.org@eryn-1983-fl:matrix.orgdoing a buster to bullseye upgrade12:25:49

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