
Matrix on Debian

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13 Jun 2021
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 Paul: it's been pretty constant on #debian-java because there's no moderators around to set the channel to registration only 11:29:53
@_oftc_osa19:matrix.orgosa19 joined the room.12:19:26
@_oftc_osa19:matrix.orgosa19 left the room.12:19:26
@_oftc_MaksimB-t:matrix.orgMaksimB-t joined the room.12:27:48
@_oftc_MaksimB-t:matrix.orgMaksimB-t left the room.12:28:11
@_oftc_ryzerth[m|gr]:matrix.orgryzerth[m|gr] joined the room.13:08:10
@_oftc_ryzerth[m|gr]:matrix.orgryzerth[m|gr] left the room.13:08:12
@_oftc_the-mentor:matrix.orgthe-mentor joined the room.13:23:57
@_oftc_the-mentor:matrix.orgthe-mentorRedacted or Malformed Event13:24:00
@_oftc_the-mentor:matrix.orgthe-mentor left the room.13:24:00
@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org joined the room.13:42:14
@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org left the room.13:42:14
@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:42:14
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh banned @_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org@_oftc_alko89_:matrix.org.14:46:11
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshsunweaver: I still don’t have an op on this side of the channel14:48:13
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI’m not sure this bridge makes sense14:49:04
@_oftc_andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshit’s mostly used by spammers14:49:42
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverhmmm... yeah.14:49:51
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverI can only give you permissions via IRC, if you are joined via IRC.14:50:05
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverI can't give ip perms for your Matrix account.14:50:15
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI’m joined via both, but I’m not on the ACL for this channel14:50:31
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshif fact you can14:50:43
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshas I’m usually logged in14:50:58
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshthe trouble is, we cannot fight this spam effectively without setting the channel to registrations only14:51:17
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshwhich will probably cripple the Matrix side14:51:24
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh as it will only accept people also having OFTC account and logged in 14:51:42
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshwhich is suboptimal14:51:52
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaveryes, noticed that. I already set the channel to restricted and then had to unban everyone who joined from the Matrix side.14:52:18
@sunweaver:matrix.orgsunweaverPlease undo the bridge.14:52:26
@_oftc_ILooveCats33:matrix.orgILooveCats33 left the room.14:52:43

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