
Matrix on Debian

166 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix63 Servers

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9 Aug 2021
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 well self-hosting is always good, but yes the Debian Social team host an instance you can sign into via Salsa at https://element.debian.social 15:53:26
@lechner:matrix.orglechnerThanks for the pointer! Should the Debian Social instance let me add an email address—perhaps to find my avatar? I see "An error was encountered when sending the email (Status 500)" Thanks!16:03:43
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 I don't think it has an identity server, but probably best asking at #debian-social:matrix.debian.social 16:19:26
@mooff:matrix.orgmooff joined the room.19:22:56
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffhey folks, great to see there is a Debian home server!19:24:05
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffif people want to collaborate on integrating an identity server with Debian SSO, i'd be game19:25:10
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi wondered if there was an official Debian community on Matrix.. they essentially work as sharable 'folders' in Matrix, an index of particular rooms19:25:58
@mooff:matrix.orgmooff * i wondered if there was an official Debian community on Matrix.. they essentially work as sharable 'folders' in Element, an index of particular rooms19:26:12
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffadditionally, subscription to a community can be shown as flair on your profile19:26:36
@hartmans:matrix.orghartmans Has the purpose of this room changed or is this still a place to discuss packaging of matrix software in Debian? 19:26:47
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregYes, this room is primarily about packaging Matrix-related software.19:27:30
In reply to @mooff:matrix.org
i wondered if there was an official Debian community on Matrix.. they essentially work as sharable 'folders' in Element, an index of particular rooms
Perhaps you could reach out to the debian.social folks using their preferred contact mechanism and see if that's something they want to pursue.
In reply to @mooff:matrix.org
i wondered if there was an official Debian community on Matrix.. they essentially work as sharable 'folders' in Element, an index of particular rooms
Communities are being replaced by Spaces. There is a Debian space (#debian-space:matrix.org or #debian-space:matrix.debian.social -- they should be the same), but I don't know how "official" it is.
In reply to @hartmans:matrix.org
Perhaps you could reach out to the debian.social folks using their preferred contact mechanism and see if that's something they want to pursue.
okay, Stalin!
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi am joking :-). understood19:32:15
In reply to @hartmans:matrix.org
Has the purpose of this room changed or is this still a place to discuss packaging of matrix software in Debian?
Since this room is fairly low-traffic, I'm (personally) not too concerned about non-packaging discussions, as long as it is both Matrix-related and Debian-related, unless it gets out of hand. But yes, people should be aware that this room is intended to be for packaging-related discussions, as the room topic says.
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi guess i'm looking for a channel "Debian on Matrix"19:37:36
@hartmans:matrix.orghartmansNod, and it's not entirely clear what that would be... Are you looking for something like #debian (the user support IRC channel)? Or a development channel, or what?19:38:34
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi figured this was a catch-all room, usually packaging work would take place on IRC :)19:38:44
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffwell, i was in this room for a year or two, but only just rejoined after the move19:39:39
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi noticed i had a personal 'Debian' community in Element and wondered if there was an official one to join19:39:57
@mooff:matrix.orgmooff * i noticed i had a personal 'Debian' community in Element and wondered if there was a more complete, official one to join19:40:06
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffthat was my original drive to send a message. but noticed the Debian Social talk just above and also responded to that :-)19:40:53
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffcongrats on getting 4 new clients into bullseye20:17:17
@paul:luon.netPaulmooff, if you're using Spaces (instead of Communities, which is going away)... I'd refer you to https://matrix.to/#/#debian-space:matrix.org20:54:57
@mooff:matrix.orgmooffi joined it, thanks20:56:56
@jorivmar:matrix.org@jorivmar:matrix.org left the room.21:38:00
10 Aug 2021
@confined_catalyst:matrix.orgConfined Catalyst joined the room.05:06:06
@hugoxrosa:matrix.orghugoxrosa joined the room.05:34:16

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